Page 50 of Scandal

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I would protect this woman with my life.

So help me God.




There was no other word for me after my near insanity.

“I’m so sorry. We need to see what I did,” I insisted.

“Stop worrying about me.”

“I almost killed you.”

“But you didn’t,cherie. Take a breath for me. I need you to tell me what the fuck happened to make you so terrified.”

I backed away, remaining horrified. Since when had I become a crazed killer?

The truth was I’d never felt this unsafe in my life, even with his presence. He couldn’t stop the freight train coming and I was certain it was already speeding down the railroad tracks, prepared to run us both over. “Let me see what I did to you.”

His larger-than-life figure remained looming in the doorway, flowers and a bag in his hand. I started to crumple to the floor, the fear finally getting the better of me.

Within seconds, he’d dropped the items in his hand, catching me before I hit the floor. “Not until you tell me what happened. My God, you’re shaking like a leaf.” He held me close, his breathing labored as he struggled to close the door behind him, managing to find the foyer light.

When he flipped it on, I realized I was clinging to him, even wrapping my arms around his neck. The sight of his bloody shirt was horrifying. “Oh, God.”

“Okay. I got you. I’m right here. You need to tell me what happened.” When I said nothing, he purposely pushed me away, cupping both sides of my face. “Talk to me. Now.”

Instead of answering, I rose into my toes, kissing his lips. It was crazy, my mind obviously shifting somewhere else. The last thing I needed was to kiss him, encouraging him, but he was safe and protective.

He allowed me to continue for a few seconds then pulled me away, keeping a firm grip on my arms. “Nope. You’re going to tell me what’s going on.”

I took a deep breath before answering. “Someone followed me home. At least that’s what I thought. I’m not sure but after the threats, I was… another threat was made.” I managed to control my voice and my breathing.

“What do you mean another threat?” Jonny gripped my arms. “Talk to me. What about another threat?”

“A second note. On my car in plastic. Maybe someone from my past. I don’t know. I just… Stupid. It was just stupid. The storm. There was a case I prosecuted that went terribly wrong. I think he’s back. I truly believe the killer has returned.”

He took a deep breath then shook his head. “Listen to me. I’m going to check your property. You’re going to stay right here. Do not move but to lock the door behind me. You’ll know it’s me. Okay?”

“I… That’s not necessary. I’m just being silly.”

“Yeah, it is. Do as I say.” He backed away, instantly pulling a weapon from his jacket, nodding reassuringly. As if that was going to help me feel any better. “Do you hear what I’m saying?”

When I didn’t respond, he shook me. “Yes, I understand. But you’re bleeding.”

“Good girl and that’s nothing new. I’ll be right back. Turn on the outside lights for me.” He stopped once just outside the door, turning around and studying me. “I will protect you,cherie. With my life if necessary. But you will need to trust me. There are things going on that are out of our control and that can’t continue.”

“I know.”

“Good. I’ll be right back.”

As I closed and locked the door behind him, I struggled to breathe, staring down at my hands as if they had blood on them. Could I trust him? Could I control my feelings?

What I knew at that moment was my life was in the powerful man’s hands.
