Page 53 of Scandal

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She pursed her lips, shaking her head as if trying to convince herself that she couldn’t trust me.

“Do it. I deserve to spend all eternity in hell for the things I’ve done, but not for this. I would never hurt you. Never. You either need to place your full trust in me or not. It’s that simple. It’s your choice. Decide.”

There was such fear and anxiety on her face and in her eyes, the powerful and very strong woman doing everything to try to keep her emotions in check. The nervous tic on the corner of her mouth had returned, but there was also an intense resolve that she grasped onto.

As she slowly pulled her hand free of mine, putting the weapon on the counter, I sensed she was placing not only her trust in me, but her life as well. She continued to shake as she stared at me, never blinking.

I took the drink from her hand, placing both on the counter, lifting her into my arms. “Let’s get you warm, baby. After that, we’ll make a plan together. It might be just you and me against the goddamn entire world.”

As she looked into my eyes, I realized that I could fall hard for this resolute, determined woman. If that was the case, what the fuck was I going to do?



A construction worker.

I couldn’t get the sultry image out of my mind. I’d fixated on the notion, maybe because it was preferrable to being reminded that he carried a gun with him. What was the phrase? Never leave home without it. I wanted to laugh even though I needed to cry. I couldn’t do either.

The roses were beautiful, the steaks and wine a nice surprise. I only wished he’d been able to bring them under better circumstances. Now everything was out of control, which I hated.

I’d almost killed him. I’d been intent on doing so. For about thirty seconds. Thank God, I’d come to my senses. I’d never been so rattled, including around Damien Duncan. Maybe because I couldn’t get a single grip on what was going on. The only thing I was certain of at this point was that it felt like one of the few people I could trust was a known killer. The man I couldn’t seemto get out of my mind. Even stranger, it seemed natural to have Jonny in my house.

I’d wanted to distrust Jonny, to hate everything about him for all the wrong reasons. But that was impossible as he held me close, my fingers wrapped tightly around his wet clothes. Once upon a time, I hadn’t needed the feeling of someone being able to protect me.

That’s exactly what I needed at this moment.

I was shaken off my foundation, so much so tears continued to form in my eyes, and I hated myself for it. I was stronger than this. To allow my guard to fall in front of a noted killer was the most ridiculous thing of all, other than needing his strength and strong arms right now.

He easily found the bathroom, flicking on the light, still holding me close as he turned on the shower water. As he finally eased me to my feet in front of him, I couldn’t find the right words. Maybe there were none at this point. Even if Damien hadn’t returned to Louisville, the fact some horrible monster was using the terrible experience to rein me in like a crazed animal remained furrowing in the back of my mind.

I should feel nothing but anger, but there was a sadness mixed in with a swirl of fear that wouldn’t be erased with a hot shower or a bottle of liquor. Only hunting the bastard and bringing justice to my world and the city would do that. And what about Jonny? What the hell was I going to do? One week wasn’t enough to prepare for any trial, but with the evidence stacked against him, any jury would find him guilty as sin.

And I had the distinct feeling the members of the jury for the ruthless man’s trial would be handpicked, no matter what I saidor did. No matter what his defense attorneys were able to do. They were so far out of their league, they wouldn’t be able to hit inside the ballpark. There was nothing like a good railroading job to realize we were all just peons being used.

“How did you find my house?”

“Meaning?” he asked.

“Meaning it’s not listed anywhere. That’s done on purpose given the job I do and the people I work with. Like you.”

He took a deep breath before answering. “Like me, huh? You should know that if someone wants to find you, then they will.”

I felt myself shivering all over again. “That’s how the person following me knew where I was.”

“If the person you tried to convict four years ago is on the hunt, he will die by my hands. But let’s not jump to conclusions at this point.”

“Don’t say that. I don’t want to think of you as a killer. Not right now.”

“Fair enough but we will need to talk.” He brushed the backs of his fingers down my cheek.

“I know that.” I still had issues with trusting him with every detail and my beliefs, but what choice did I have at this point? My entire world had been tossed into a dumpster fire and I was clueless what I should do next. All my training, dealing with violent criminals and the various classes I’d had over the years should have prepared me for something like this. But it hadn’t. I was still sick inside, afraid of dying and longing to live. What did that say about me?

“It’s going to be okay,” Jonny assured me as he started to unbutton my blouse, darting his eyes to mine every few seconds. “I am not going to allow anything to happen to you.”

“How is it going to be okay? You can’t stay with me twenty-four/seven. You’re going to be in prison. Oh, God. I’m required to ensure your guilt. I have a madman after me. You’ve told me we’re both in danger. And there is a killer still out there.”

He smirked as he peeled away the wet material, gently easing it from my shoulders. I wasn’t budging, allowing him to strip me of my work clothes. Why should I bother objecting? He’d seen everything anyway.
