Page 57 of Scandal

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“That’s fine. I’m going to venture a guess it’s deep in the heart of Irish country.”

“It is. You’ll only have me as backup. The odds aren’t in our favor.”

“Just let me worry about that,” I told him.

He exhaled. “Okay, boss.”

Hearing music in the background of Sedona’s house, I ended the call, tossing my phone onto the kitchen table next to my weapon, returning to the dinner I was preparing. It was simple—a salad, bread, the steaks, and baked potatoes—but she needed to eat something. I felt her presence a few seconds later and glanced over my shoulder.

“Interesting. You really can cook,” Sedona said in such a way that I couldn’t help but laugh.

“This is hardly cooking, but yes, I can.” I wasn’t prepared to tell her I’d been forced to learn only a couple of years before. Up until then, I’d enjoyed eating out the majority of the time. I’d learned that didn’t bode well when you were no longer living alone.

“And you look fantastic in my robe.”

Even through a crisis of this nature, she could keep her sense of humor. I adored that about her, as well as just about everything else. “Well, I didn’t think I could fit into your shorts and a tee shirt.”

“I’d have lent you clothes belonging to my ex-pain-in-the-ass-cheating boyfriend but oops, he didn’t leave anything here.”


“Good riddance. I’ll try not to shrink your Italian trousers.”

“Have some wine.” Chuckling, I didn’t want to push her about details, but what she’d said about her boss alone was enough to be disturbing.

“I think I will.” She hummed along with the fascinating music she’d selected as she poured a glass from the already opened bottle, taking her time to enjoy several sips. “I was newly hired when I was assigned the case, and only after I asked for it repeatedly. My boss finally relented. Damien Duncan was a true sociopath, a man who destroyed lives. I believed wholeheartedly in his guilt. The police believed they finally got him, his fingerprint found at one of the scenes. He killed six women, tying their bodies and slaughtering them by removing organs.”

When she shifted her gaze toward me, I could see she was uncertain whether I was capable of something so horrific.

“But he had an alibi. A woman came forward with pictures of the two of them together. There was a time stamp and everything. I thought for certain it had been doctored but every expert that was hired couldn’t figure it out. So he walked free but not without telling me he was leaving town but would return. The note asked if I remembered him. Or maybe not him. I’m not sure any longer. But those who knew me understand how rattled the case made me.”

Which meant it would be perfect to use against her.

“Was this note signed?”

“No, but it was very similar to the notes left all those years ago.”

“That people in your office know about.” I finished the steaks, pulling them off the heat.

The way she looked at me was sadly resigned but I sensed her wheels had been turning in that direction for some time. “Yes.”

“How did your boss threaten you?”

“It was strange, as if she knew that I cared for you without coming out and saying it. She is powerful, someone people look up to. She’s been pushed to run for office, but always said she didn’t want to do that. I think she does. In fact, I think she’s embroiled in some strange power play, using your case to gain political clout ahead of the elections in the fall. Christine was someone I looked up to. She’d acted as if she’d seen something special in me, mentoring me from day one of being an intern.”


“Not interesting. Sickening. Nothing has been announced yet as far as additional candidates for the upcoming ticket, but I’m certain soon we’ll have females in every power position given their method of manipulation. That disgusts me. Since I’m up for District Attorney, females would have control of almost every aspect of law enforcement, every top political position including senator and even the medical examiner.”

“That is a strong and powerful hold on the city.”

“Yes, more than anyone should have, a world that I want no part of, it’s true. Not if they’re going to ruin you. Not if you’re innocent.”

“You already know the truth to that question, Sedona.”

“Unless you told your soldiers to kill them.”

“You need to ask yourself an important question. If I’d targeted you, how did I know for certain you’d be assigned the case?”
