Page 59 of Scandal

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“With.” I stopped on the sidewalk, removing my sunglasses. Thank God the sun had returned. I’d allowed my lovelycherieto convince me she needed to return to work if for no other reason than to not raise any suspicions. I’d also advised her to gather whatever information she could from the computer onto a jump drive, surprised when she hadn’t argued against my order.

The only thing that troubled her was explaining Zephyr’s appearance. She would soon learn my men were as discreet as they were well trained in the art of security methods. What I hadn’t told her was that if there was a perceived threat of any kind he would intervene immediately, ignoring whatever rules she thought were set in place. Not only had her safety become one of my main responsibilities but her life as well.

“Make no mistake, Michael. Sedona Beckett is to be protected at all times in whatever way is necessary.”

“You got it. You do realize we could be detained at the airport.”

I yanked open the door to the restaurant, laughing softly. “Now you’re underestimating my abilities? I’m shocked and hurt as well.”

“Are you kidding me? Nothing bothers you. You’re like Ironman.”

“You’ve been watching too many superhero movies.” And that was definitely something I wasn’t.

“I’ll have Zephyr bring her to the plane.”

“No. I instructed her to meet me at a bar across the street from the hotel. I’ve arranged a boat to take us down the river on a sightseeing cruise, where you’ll be to pick us up.”

“You’re worried about being seen, possibly prevented from leaving the city.”


“Just shoot the address and we’ll be there.”

“The pilot is on standby. Instruct him to fly to Cincinnati. That’s where we’re departing from.”

Michael whistled again. “You’re not taking any chances.”

“No, I can’t afford to do that at this point.”

“I’ll make the call as soon as we leave.”

My Capo would have every right to be concerned about being detained at the airport except that I owned almost all the border agents, half of the law enforcement inside Canada. What I didn’t like was being forced to depart from another city, but I refused to be chased off the runway or worse. And at this point, I wouldn’t put it past the Kentucky authorities to do so. It would seem dirty cops and politicians were everywhere, my country included.

I almost laughed at the thought. Who was I to criticize?

“Let’s fucking get this over with. This place gives me the creeps,” Michael grunted.

“Patience, dear man. Learning the attribute will do you some good.”

“Fuck patience. This is Russian roulette and we’re the ones holding the weapon.”

He had a point there. My father would have a stroke if he knew what I was risking in doing this.

As soon as we headed inside, it was as if I’d walked into a moment of déjà vu, almost every person inside the joint stopping what they were doing and turning in our direction. It wasn’t as if we should stick out like a sore thumb other than we were both dark haired, my skin slightly olive toned given my mother’s Italian heritage. However, in comparison to a sea of pale skin, and blond and red hair, we stood out.

Or maybe because everyone had seen my picture plastered all over their news broadcast. While I was wearing my weapon protected inside a holster, I wasn’t here to brandish firearms or to threaten anyone.

Unless of course it was absolutely necessary.

As we walked through the crowd of people, most backed away, only a few burly men standing in our way as if they would be able to stop us from gaining access. When one in particular, a bouncer type standing six foot five and weighing in at a solid three hundred pounds, moved directly in front of my path, I cocked my head, lifting a single eyebrow. Yet I didn’t reach for my weapon.

“That’s enough, Aiden. They’re our guests,” another man said as he walked from what had to be a back room.

Aiden didn’t seem pleased he’d been called down, taking a few seconds before moving aside. “I apologize, Mr. O’Connor.”

“Understood. Make certain we’re not interrupted for our meeting.” Liam lifted his head, locking eyes with mine before shifting his attention to Michael. “Are you armed?”

I unbuttoned my jacket, allowing him to see the weapon. What I wouldn’t tell him about was the one strapped to my ankle.
