Page 6 of Scandal

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“Graphic much?”

She shrugged and tossed her long dark locks over her shoulder. “I’m just stating a fact.”

I didn’t need to glance in her direction to know she was rolling her eyes. She’d always hated the man and his perfect suits, as she’d told me at least a half dozen times. “Perfect timing. It was a reminder of why I will never get married.”

“If you want, I can hire my brother to put a bullet in his head. Or if you’d prefer, he can handle a knife with ease. Maybe he could offer up a filet.”

Laughing, I didn’t want to tell her that I’d thought about it more than once since I’d suspected his extracurricular activities. Especially since her older brother was known to associate with a mob out of New Orleans. It was a subject considered off limits in our friendship. I’d heard he was dangerous, the entire syndicate brutal. Even my usual morbid curiosity kept me from asking her questions. When you grew up in a tight-knit, powerful family such as hers, there were always secrets. She’d dug her way out of her family’s criminal activities, becoming an attorney for the right side of the law. However, her grit and verve for life had remained, something she’d learned from her father. “You have been hanging around your brother too often. However, the jerk did call me an ice queen. Can you believe that?”

“Just say the word, girlfriend. You know what you need is an outlaw in your life, not a prim and proper pig with a stick stuck up his butt. You need a hard body. Harder cock. Refusing to take no for an answer. Yummy. My brother can make it look like an accident.” She gave me a coy look.

“First of all, I don’t think that’s the kind of thing you should tell me. Second, I don’t think dating a criminal would be beneficial to my career.” Although it did sound delicious for a change.

“I’m not talking about dating a criminal, at least not a noted one. I’m talking about a sexy, dangerous man with a permanent fiveo’clock shadow, eyes so dark and ominous that you just know all his thoughts are filled with passion. A total hottie with a Harley, a man who’ll sweep you off your feet, taking what he demands stating in no uncertain terms that you belong to him. You know the type. Dominating with a flair.” She leaned in closer so no one else would hear. “And please, girlfriend. Do not tell me that you haven’t thought about crossing the line more than once, doing something that could get you into trouble.”

I wanted to say I had no idea what she was talking about, but I would be lying, my thoughts on the use of violence and her connections entering my mind more than once. And the delicious fantasy about dating a hot alpha, very dominating man forced my mouth to water. She was sickeningly correct in that I was used to the prim and proper men who spent more money on their ties than I did on a suit, their nails perfectly manicured at all times and their shoes carrying a high sheen. Oh, wait. I’d just described Matt. “The image floating in my mind is mouthwatering but it’s not going to happen. I’ll stick to my dazzling pink vibrator from now on.” To think Matt hadn’t bothered to leave a toothbrush at my place should have tipped me off in month three.

Jenny shook her head as we walked into the room where the deflowering was going to occur. “Your loss. But I think that’s exactly what you need. One hot fling with Mr. Alpha Dog. Maybe going down on him in his flashy car would be a delicious start. Or maybe you could fuck in the shadows near your hotel room. No, wait. I’ve got the perfect place. In the ice room of the hotel.”

Now the images floating in my mind disgusted me, especially given my terse conversation with Matt.

At this point, I had no clue what I needed, butthatwasn’t it by a long shot.

“Nope. Not that kind of girl,” I insisted. Although I could see ice cubes melting as I rubbed them down one sizzling, all-male body. Whew. It was getting hot in the place.

“Maybe you need to break free. Use the rest of the weekend to go hunting.”

I threw a hateful look at her, allowing my sigh to be as big and dramatic as hers could be. “You’re crazy, girl.”

“Who, me? Never. You need to live a little. That’s when the perfect man will come along, sweeping you off your feet, fulfilling every fantasy. Then you won’t need the cheap vibrator.”

“Hey! I spend a small fortune on certain apparatuses.”

The sad truth was that I had and likely would again.

“Not the same as a big, fat cock.”

She had a point.

I’d rolled my eyes far too many times during the last two days of festivities. “You’ve had way too many glasses of bubbly.” At least she could give me a laugh, something I sorely needed at this point.

If I didn’t laugh about it, I’d plan Matt’s demise with joy in my heart.

“I’ll give you one piece of advice,” she said before we’d gone too far into the room.

“I won’t be able to stop you, will I?”

“Nope. You know me.”

“A bull in a china shop. What’s that advice?”

“Find a sinfully gorgeous alpha man and let yourself go for one night. Just one. I promise you that you won’t regret it. Plus, you might find the man of your dreams hiding underneath the mysterious package.” When she shifted her gaze toward the man who’d accompanied her to the event, I smacked her arm.

“Do not tell me that’s how you met Brad.”

“Then I won’t.” She lifted her chin, acting haughty.

“You little bitch.”
