Page 71 of Scandal

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I yanked her arms over her head, pushing the full weight of my body against hers. “Baby. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. I’m going to say this one last time. Everything is going to be okay. I promise you.”

“How? How is it ever going to be okay? Are we going to be considered criminals our entire lives? Is that what you want?”

“How about I allow you to clear my name when we put all the pieces together.” I released my hold, sensing she was losing the fight within herself. She knew what I was telling her was the only chance we both had.

Sedona laughed, pressing her hand against my chest. “Now you have me confused with a superhero. Answer me the question. How are you going to keep us safe and out of jail?”

I couldn’t stand to hear the agony in her voice. This wasn’t something I’d been equipped to handle but as I took deep breaths, I sensed her tension easing. “Because I’m damn good at what I do. Damn good.”

She huffed, kneading my muscles as if doing so grounded her. “Yeah, you are. That almost scares me as much as they do. Whoever they really are.”

Chuckling, I brushed hair from her face. “Let’s get the fuck out here. Okay?”

“I didn’t think you were alive. I thought they got to you.”

“No,cherie. I’m tougher than you obviously think I am.”

Her breathing remained ragged. I couldn’t help myself, crushing her mouth with mine. As always, the taste of her was sweet, a reminder that we were very much in danger.

She clung to me with both hands, arching her back as I swept my tongue past her lips. For a few precious seconds, I allowed the moment of passion to continue.

There was nothing like the feel of having her in my arms, of feeling her long fingers touching me. I was almost crazy enough to take her right here, even going as far as yanking one leg around mine.

She mewed into the kiss, savoring the private moment as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

When I broke the intimate hold, I pinched her chin between my thumb and forefinger.

“Trust,” I said quietly.

“Yes. Trust.”

“Good.” I took her by the hand, leading her back to the SUV, glancing one last time at the crushed vehicle behind us. I hadn’t intended on leaving a trail of bodies, but it was apparent there was no other choice. Now I had to figure out if they were Liam’s men or someone else. One way or the other, I would be returning to Louisville.

I would clear my name.

And hers.

I would hunt down my enemies one by one.

Then I would clean house.



If I remembered correctly, and I wasn’t convinced I wasn’t experiencing a bloodcurdling nightmare, I’d heard that danger came in threes. Or maybe it was deaths. However, since there were a few too many dead bodies floating around, the adage had to include the word danger. I wanted to laugh since it was obvious exhaustion had taken hold. Could anyone blame me?

I’d been chased, shot at, hunted, seen enough dead bodies to last me a lifetime, and was certain my boss was a traitor to everyone she knew if not the entire country, and I was sitting in a seventy-five-plus-thousand-dollar SUV that I was pretty certain was bulletproof in my bare feet and tattered clothes. Yeah, I deserved to be a little bit off my rocker.

Own it, baby.As Jenny would tell me. Of course, that was right after she chastised me for drifting too far out my comfort zone.

Death wasn’t something that had ever seemed real, even after all the cases I’d prosecuted, the dead bodies I’d seen. I’d been toldonce by a professor I admired that people working with heinous criminals found various methods of protecting their mental states. My denial of the obvious seemed a strange reaction. Maybe it was because I felt so out of sorts, still unable to process everything that had occurred. However, I had to get control and start thinking like an attorney, putting the pieces together.

That’s what I’d always been damn good at. It angered me I was playing the victim, but that’s what the fuckers had wanted. Me terrified of my own shadow.

I shifted in the seat, trying to find the perfect place of peace in my mind, if that was possible.

