Page 76 of Scandal

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“No wonder you were desperate to get back.”

He studied me. “The kid has been through a lot. I’m not the best father in the world, uncertain I wanted to keep him around for the first month after he’d arrived. He had a tiny suitcase, a bookbag full of books and toys, and nothing else but a letter from his mother written a couple months before she died.”

“Why was she murdered?”

“I honestly don’t know. Lily was a free spirit, living life to the fullest. That’s what attracted me to her in the first place.”

“I can tell you have thoughts about what happened.”

Jonny nodded several times. “If the kid hadn’t hidden in a closet, he would have been taken. That’s my belief. They came looking for him. I can’t prove it, but that’s what my gut has told me.”

“You think it’s because of you.”

As he reached out, lightly brushing his fingers down my cheek, a powerful moment of sadness collided with the strong sense of duty. It was as overwhelming as the electricity he exuded every time we were together. “I’m certain of it. I refuse to have any additional casualties in my life. If I’d known Christian existed, I would have taken steps to ensure his and Lily’s safety. She lost her life because she wasn’t certain she could trust me. In my mind, maybe she was right.”

“You can’t think that way. What happened was out of your control.”

“Was it really?” He lifted his gaze, studying me as if searching for an absolution that I couldn’t provide. “Anyway, her murder was traumatic and very bloody and the kid lived through it all. I can’t imagine the horror he endured but after reading the police report, I did what I could to find her killer.”

“That’s why he doesn’t speak.”

“Yes. His brain shut it out and everything else. He was almost comatose when he arrived, requiring someone to feed and bathe him because he stopped being able to do it for himself. That kid has come a long way. The doctors say eventually he will decide to speak again when he believes the world is safe, but that I need to give him time. And as you’ve already figured out, that’s not an easy thing for me to do.”

I nuzzled my face against his hand, wishing I could find the right words. “You need to be patient with yourself, and you needto forgive the man inside. You’re exactly what your son needs. That’s why he said what he did.”

“Meaning what?”

“That you were his hero.”

I’d caught him by surprise, the sadness fading, a quiet look of delight drifting into his eyes. “I’m no hero, Sedona. Not under any circumstances. I was exactly what I purported myself to be. A ruthless killer, a bastard of a man.”

“Yet you risked your life to save me, the woman dead set on putting you away for a long time. It almost seems like you care about me.”

His laughter brought another smile to my face. “Caring about you is easy. You amaze me, Ms. Beckett. Sign language and all. You’re beautiful, brilliant, and bold. There isn’t a better combination. I am curious why you learned sign language.”

“My sister started losing her hearing when she was six from a horrible illness. I learned so we could talk. My skills are pretty rusty though. She moved across the country with her new husband for a fantastic job she adores. We rarely get a chance to Facetime.”

“My son doesn’t think your skills are rusty. I’ve never seen him so excited to be able to talk to someone.” As he cupped my face, I wanted nothing more than to fall into his arms.

“I’m glad I could help.”

“I think I’ll keep you around.”

I was starting to get used to the idea, although I wasn’t certain what that said about my sanity. At that moment, I didn’t care.

He made that choice for me, wrapping his arm around my waist, dragging me to my toes. As he captured my mouth, all sense of danger and timing, fear and anxiety flushed away, if only for a few precious seconds. I was amazed how much I was still thrown by his dominating actions, his refusal to accept no for an answer. I could only imagine just how powerful he was in business.

As he swept his tongue inside my mouth, I felt lightheaded, unable to keep from yanking at his shirt, sliding my hands underneath to touch and knead his heated skin. His thick muscles. Another wave of need tore through me, my heart racing as the longing took hold. I was in the man’s house, in his life. I’d just met his son.

And we both remained in significant danger not only to our jobs and reputations, but to our lives as well.

Yet I’d never felt so tingling all over, or so safe being with someone.

Including my father.

He ground his hips against mine, telling me in no uncertain terms what he had in store for my body and soul.

What I continued to wonder was whether or not he’d already captured my heart.
