Page 87 of Scandal

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Jonny stood just inside the doorway, his arms folded, a look of amusement on his face. “Superman, huh?”

“Why, yes. I noticed you flying high over the house last night, your red cape blowing in the wind.”

Christian giggled, giving my neck a squeeze before racing around the desk toward his father. I had to admit, the joy on Jonny’s face was the most delightful thing I’d seen in a long time. It almost made me crave becoming a mother.


I wasn’t quite certain I was cut out for it.

Jonny dropped down, tweaking the little boy’s nose.

Even from where I was, I could tell he was signing something to his father, the man obviously trying to figure out what he said. Then I could tell the moment when he knew exactly what his son had asked. “Yes, I do care about Ms. Beckett, and I would protect both you and her against any monster. You don’t need to worry.”

Christian debated the answer, laughed then kissed his father right on the cheek. The moment was so touching I found myself swooning.

“I was wondering where you ran off to,” Jonny said. “It’s about time for your breakfast. Why don’t you greet Margaret and grab a bite to eat?”

I could tell Christian was debating. Then he nodded in an exaggerated manner before stomping like only kids could do out of the room. It was difficult to stifle a laugh.

Jonny drove his hands into his pockets, the man looking as debonair as ever. After shaking his head, he walked closer. “You’ve been filling my son’s head with stories of magic?”

“I don’t know about magic. I think you are a superhero.”

“Uh-huh.” His eyes twinkled until he glanced at what I was working on. “Making any headway?”

“Not with the encrypted files. I’d need a programmer or hacker to figure it out. But I am curious about something. Have you ever worked with the New Orleans crime syndicate?”

“Are you talking about the Baranov mafia family?”

I half laughed. “You know, I’m not certain. That was out of my jurisdiction.”

“Then why ask?”

“Because of something I found when I was researching the O’Connor family in my initial efforts to prosecute you. It would seem Ronan O’Connor was fearful that the Baranov family was invading their territory.”

I could tell instantly the news irritated and surprised him. “Are there any specifics?”

“No, and in truth, I don’t have detailed notes on why I believed that other than something I read. My best friend’s brother is involved with them.”

“Your best friend?”

“Her name is Jennifer Zimmer. Her brother is named Brandon. She’s a defense attorney, keeping out of the business but her family does live in New Orleans.”

“Text me the names. I need to speak to my men and my family about what they might know. My father did business in the southern part of the United States for years, abandoning it because of border issues. However, what I know about the Russian mafia is that they are brutal and when they set their sights on a territory, they don’t give a shit who is in the way.”

I nodded. “I need to get into the file Christine had. Maybe I’m wrong about what she was working on. Why would she consider getting involved with the Russians?”

“Money. Greed does many things to people. If she was power hungry, eager to move up politically, the Bratva are extremely well funded, a portion of their funds kept in secure offshore accounts that can’t be touched by any level of law enforcement in the United States. It would also be much easier to remain anonymous or have a bogus corporation backing her campaign.”

“Wow. You seem to know what you’re talking about.”

He laughed. “My father developed dozens of powerful alliances over the years, which I’ve maintained greasing the palms of political candidates, including some within the United States.”

“Don’t tell me anything I’ll be forced to use against you. We aren’t married after all. I can’t use that as refusal to testify against you.”

“And you know that rule technically doesn’t apply in most situations,” he said as he leaned over the desk. “However, it would make it more difficult to rely on your credibility. Perhaps I’ll haul you away when I return to get married.”

When he pressed his lips against mine, I shuddered then did what I could to push him away playfully. “Not so fast, big boy. I’m not captured and kept that easily.”
