Page 89 of Scandal

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“Thanks, Michael.”

As soon as he walked out of the room, I glanced at the desk and the phone that was left for me, more determined than ever to figure out who was behind the mess we were in.

“Get to work, girl. The riddle won’t be solved by itself.”

While that was the truth, as I sat down, I had the distinct feeling that whatever was on the drive would alter my life in a way that would haunt me for a long time to come.

One question remained. Was I ready for that?

Now it was time to wait.

And patience wasn’t one of my virtues.

The man I adored had been gone for almost three hours. During that time, I’d watched the spinning beach ball as the encryptor attempted to find all the passwords. It seemed odd that Christine would have used more than one, but that had been the case, the files slowly being released one at a time.

Another hour had passed, the time it had taken me to look at every single one of them, writing notes profusely, gasping for air every few minutes given the startling revelations. However, notall the pieces had been made evident, what Christine and her friends had put together damning yet incomplete as far as I was concerned.

Still, my hands were shaking, my heart racing to the point I was sick to my stomach.

Information was the key to life.

That’s something my father used to say. He even lectured me on the fact that if everyone waited until they’d gathered the correct information before reacting or overreacting, then wars wouldn’t have started and people wouldn’t have died.

That’s why I wasn’t ready to jump to any conclusions. However, the moment I’d been able to open the files I’d taken from Christine’s office, the details popping out in front of me, I’d realized almost instantly that what I’d found was not only a smoking gun but an explosion ready to happen. However, it would appear I’d been wrong about a significant portion of my theory.

I sat back in the chair, ready for a glass of wine or something stronger at this point. Then I glanced at my phone, debating what I was thinking about doing. It was risky, but at this point what wasn’t? I was sick to death of both of us being forced to stay on the run like common criminals.

A few seconds later, I grabbed it, taking my time to slide my finger across the screen, still uncertain I was doing the right thing. But as my father had said, it was often the last pieces of the puzzle that provided the most insight.

After another moment of hesitation, I made the call.

I only hoped I was making the right one.



“It’s not Damien.”

Hearing Liam’s first words and the way he said them was a clear indication that something more substantial was wrong. “How have you made that determination?”

“Because he was gunned down outside of Miami a month ago.”

That was news I hadn’t anticipated. “You’re certain of it.”

“I have connections in the city, my friend. There is no doubt.”

“Assassination style?”

“Yes,” Liam hissed.

“If I had to venture a guess, I’d say you should look into whether or not you have an issue with the Baranov clan.”

“They’re being watched.”

“Are you certain about that?” I asked, which I could tell irritated him but at this point, I couldn’t ignore any suspicions. And after what Sedona had said, the red flag remained raised.

“I am curious, Canadian. What are you getting at?”
