Page 9 of Scandal

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Dangers. The only danger inside the bar was him, a huge brooding mass of a man. Sadly, I wasn’t certain I’d mind beingbitten.Girl, maybe you do need hot, sweaty sex.Oh, hell, no. In today’s society, who knew what kind of trouble I’d get myself into.

When I finally took a step back, I was able to tell he was wearing dark clothes. Jeans and a tee shirt to be exact. I was terrified to look down for fear he’d be wearing cowboy boots. I would lose it, the excitement too rich for my blood.

“Thank you and I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Thank God, my voice sounded stronger than before. I’d already embarrassed myself enough for one evening.

He nodded as if that was an answer. Only after peering at me in the darkness for at least twenty seconds did he release his hold on my arm.

And I could swear his firm grasp would leave imprints on my skin.

There was a seriousness about him that intrigued me, as if he were hiding something beneath his brooding stare and seemingly dark eyes that pierced mine with such intensity I was thrown into a blissful moment. It was ridiculous really. Bumping into a stranger in the middle of a bathroom hallway didn’t make for the sexiest of fantasies. There was an awkward moment between us where I tried to find something else to say to him, just to hear his voice again.

Sadly, without notice, he moved around me, heading into the men’s room.

And all I could do was take a deep breath.

When I let it out, I heard a slight whistle. I steadied myself by placing my hand on the wall before making my way into the bar.Suddenly, the dim lighting seemed almost garish in comparison to the low level I’d experienced in the hallway. I slipped back into my seat, trying to control my breathing. I’d heard weddings brought out often unwanted emotions, but I was pulled in different directions, my mind still reeling from the encounter.

I realized I was hot and wet all over, a single bead of perspiration trickling down the side of my face. Holy hell in a handbasket, I was more aroused than I thought I could become.

And the jerk thought I was an ice queen. Ha!

I laughed softly to myself as I struggled to keep my hand from shaking. When I finally managed, I brought the glass to my lips, inhaling the scent of the vodka before taking a sip. There was nothing more heavenly than the taste of the perfect martini. I swirled the three olives on the little plastic skewer, finally lifting and pulling one of the olives with my teeth. Almost as soon as it was in my mouth, Jenny’s voice was in my ear, reminding me that I should be sucking a thick cock.

Almost spitting out the olive, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself, the sound floating into the air around me. I bit it back and almost instantly heat sensors went off in my brain. I was being watched. I knew the feeling far too well, excelled in knowing when that was occurring inside a courtroom. There were criminals who enjoyed attempting to threaten me with their expressions.

Then there were those who’d truly terrified me, a single look confirming the person had no soul. When I lifted my head, turning it slightly, I was placed in another moment of utter limbo, the man sitting at the other end of the bar my mystery man. I didn’t need a second glance to know he was staring rightat me, studying me as intently as I’d done to criminals my entire career.

I found myself studying him in the same manner, picking apart his attributes. While there was no direct light over him, at least I could tell that his face was as gorgeous as I’d believed, his jaw carved from stone, a solid three-day stubble accentuating the darkness I’d sensed within him. Or maybe I was just pointedly attempting to find the perfect alpha male as Jenny had suggested.

There was one certainty about him that continued to fascinate me. He was a predator, a hungry lion searching for his feast for the evening. And for some reason, he’d gathered my scent and refused to let it go. My mouth was suddenly dry, my mind spinning from dirty possibilities. What shouldn’t have surprised me was that both arms were inked, one with vivid color, the other in black only. With his dark clothing, he appeared like an assassin on a mission.

When he lifted a shot glass, I noticed amber liquid. Was it bourbon or scotch? I forced myself to look away, struggling with the heat that continued to build between my legs. Then I ran my finger around the rim of my glass, fighting with the strange urges pooling deep in my system. I reminded myself that I couldn’t go off having a fling with just anyone. I had scruples. I had morals and values. I’d worked very hard to maintain a low profile given my profession. There were those who’d use the slightest weakness against me in their efforts to ruin my reputation so their case would be tossed out.

I’d used the excuse so long I didn’t know any differently. In truth, I didn’t know who I was any longer underneath the conservative suits and boring pumps that had become myuniform. They were safe. They were easy. They weren’t me by a longshot. I continued to feel the heat, glancing up a second time.

His stare remained, his eyes unblinking. They burned with startling intensity, so much so that I was thrown back into the deep end of an abyss, the longing to let go just as Jenny had recommended pulsing through my veins like wildfire. There were dozens of reasons to keep from acting on my desires, including everything I’d already thought of up to this point.

But I could feel fissures inside my system, the need to be someone I’d lost erupting to the surface.

He was gorgeous, a true hunk and from what little I could tell about him, one hundred percent an alpha male. If he wasn’t an assassin, he was someone famous, trying to hide in a darkened bar. Maybe a rock musician or a movie star. No, then he wouldn’t be here. Not that Louisville didn’t have its glamor but that was usually reserved for events surrounding the Kentucky Derby. And somehow, I doubted he was a cowboy. Then again, maybe I needed another look at his jeans.

If I’d tried to conjure up a more perfect fantasy man, I couldn’t have. Maybe inviting him for a single drink would work. As soon as the bubble was broken, I could breathe a sigh of relief, freeing the fantasy.

I took a deep breath, holding it until I found my courage. Then I lifted my head, swiveling the barstool just slightly.

Another laugh popped to the surface.

My fantasy man had disappeared.



So much for a fantasy.

I’d never had any luck with them, including the conjuring up part. I’d always wanted to be a witch, but it hadn’t been in the cards. I took another swig of my drink. A bath was looking better and better. Maybe the gift shop had a little bubble bath bottle I could purchase. I had brought a bottle of wine in forethought, but I’d hoped it would be for a surprise visit from Matt.

I hated myself all over again. I was going to drink the entire thing by myself. And I would love it.
