Page 93 of Scandal

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If that was the case, I’d end the man’s reign once and for all.

Just like my father should have done.



Anger was a part of my world and had been for as long as I could remember. My father had tried to provide methods of relieving the rage including requiring and encouraging physical activity including boxing. Occasionally, I still boxed, something I’d enjoyed through college. Then business had taken precedence, keeping me from the gym far too often.

On this day, I wished I could spend hours in front of a punching bag to relieve both the tension and the fury that continued to build. I knew the reason why, the lack of control. It was killing me, eating me up inside; my inability to process what little I’d learned to provide a clear-cut answer was debilitating.

That didn’t bode well for anyone who crossed me.

I’d been right in that Pops had kept some fascinating and rather incriminating evidence on the Baranovs, details that could be used against them. I would keep the info in reserve. What I had in mind was more hands on. If necessary.

From what my sources had told me, Sean had managed to lay low after my discussion with him less than two weeks before. He’d spent more time in his upper scale penthouse than handling business, ignoring his usual draw to his sister’s bar. Of course, in my mind that was a red flag if I’d ever seen one, telling me in no uncertain terms that he was guilty of doing everything he could to undermine my business.

All while betraying his own family. This time, I hadn’t contacted the patriarch of the Callahan family. If Ryan was aware of what his son had done, that would force our hand in initiating a war. That wasn’t something I wanted to see happen. While I couldn’t turn my back on the possibility, at this point I would continue fact checking every scrap of information prior to making a difficult and possibly rash decision.

Even if it was also killing me.

“Stay here, Mike. Keep the riffraff away,” I told Michael.

“You’re certain, boss?” he asked, concern in his voice.

“Yeah. I don’t want things to get ugly today. Not unless absolutely necessary.”

He cracked his knuckles, which always made me laugh. “Damn. You know how to jerk all the fun out of the situation.”

“As you’ve told me more than once.” Today we’d act with prudence, taking the time to mull over our decisions. I was still angry with my father for keeping the dark secret for so fucking long. Yeah, he had his reasons, hopes that the future he worried about would remain at arm’s length. However, in my mind, he of all people should have known better. Men like Omar Baranov held grudges better than most. From what little I’d read on the way over, I’d learned he’d been very close to his wife, especiallygiven she’d had four miscarriages, finally bearing three sons, only one of which remained alive given their penchant for violence.

That had been easily found on the great wide internet, but her death seemed to remain a mystery today. That was likely so the man could continue saving face. No wonder he’d planned his retribution carefully, avoiding the obvious methods of striking back I’d seen and heard about dozens of times. There were always wars going on between rival syndicates, ours included, even though many were determined to go legit. I also couldn’t blame Omar for hiring people to handle the obviously messy stuff, keeping his hands clean until the last minute.

Destruction from the ground up, saving my father for last.

It appeared that the family would have a difficult and long few months ahead of us.

Gregory eased onto the sidewalk beside me, buttoning his jacket as he peered up at the tall building. “You think he’ll admit to it?”

“Nah. I don’t.”

“Then why bother?”

“Because at least I’ll know if he’s lying to me or not. You know I’m good at that.”

“Yes, but flushing out the liar is only one aspect of what we’re doing.”

“Maybe, but I’m taking this a step at a time.”

“No punishment?”

I hadn’t thought through it just yet. “That will be determined by how Sean handles our visit.”

“I must admit that being around that lovely woman has changed you in a matter of days.”

“For the good or for the bad?”

He laughed and took a few steps toward the building, turning slightly as he reached for the door. “The jury is out on that. Ask me again in a couple weeks.”
