Page 52 of Dae'mons and Doms

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She nodded.

“Lots of people are okay with BDSM—there have been plenty of popular movies and books that kind of brought it out into the light in the past ten years or so. But Age Play is still a really polarizing kink. Calling your Dom or partner ‘Daddy’ and letting him treat you like a little girl…I mean, it either turns you on so much you squirm in your seat, or it turns you off and offends you.” She shrugged. “There’s hardly any middle ground.”

“I see,” Courick murmured thoughtfully. He looked down at Addison. “And how long have you known you were a—what did you call it? Alittle?”

“It took me a while to figure it out,” she admitted. “I only knew I was always attracted to older men and I always longed to be treated like I was younger. Taken care of and protected.” She looked up at him and the vulnerability in her eyes twisted Courick’s heart. “I know it doesn’t sound feminist to admit that, but I can’t help it. My whole life, growing up, I longed for a Daddy who would tuck me into bed and read me a bedtime story. Someone to check the closet and under the bed for monsters and kiss me on the forehead and call me sweet nicknames and justtake careof me.”

“I don’t think that’s too much to ask of a male who loves you,” Courick murmured. He wished for a moment thathecould do all those things for her…but he had already gone much farther with his assistant that night than was wise.

Addison made a face.

“Yeah, right. Try telling that to the guys I’ve dated. It’s hard enough to find one who’ll make a commitment to a relationship at all—let alone taking on a needylittlewho wants to be petted and cuddled and held all the time.” She sighed. “Most guys just don’t have the emotional bandwidth for the kind of relationship I’m looking for.”

“But you keep trying to find one, anyway,” Courick pointed out.

“I have to keep hoping.” Addison gave him that vulnerable look again. “I can’t give up. That would mean…giving up on myself, you know? I’m not ready to do that.”

“No, you shouldn’t give up on getting your needs met,” Courick agreed. “But would you please promise me not to go back to that club?”

She got a stubborn expression on her face and he knew she was going to refuse him.

“For the rest of the weekend, at least,” he said quickly. “And then we’ll talk more on Monday. All right?”

Addison sighed.

“All right,” she said reluctantly. “I’m not really up to any more ‘playing’ this weekend anyway—not after what happened with that CHUDWA asshole.”

“Thatwhat?”Courick frowned.

Briefly, she explained the idea of the “clueless, heterosexual, Dom want-to-be”—the type of male who had no idea how to Dom correctly and who only wanted to get into the BDSM Lifestyle to order female subs around and hand out beatings.

“So it’s someone who just wants to shout orders and beat females without considering what his sub needs?” Courick asked, making sure he understood.

“That’s right.” Addison nodded and shivered. “Ineverwant to be with that kind of Dom again. AgoodDom thinks about what his sub needs and takes care of her all the way through the scene—and then he gives her plenty of aftercare.”

“Aftercare?” Courick asked.

“You know—like if he gave his sub a spanking, a good Dom will also give her cuddles afterwards. He might even rub some kind of lotion or ointment into her bottom to make her feel better.”

She bit her lip and looked up at him, squirming in his lap and Courick smelled the scent of her feminine arousal, which made his own cock surge again. Clearly the idea of aftercare turned his assistant on as much or more than the spanking itself. Or maybe she was thinking of how he had rubbed the healing ointment into her soft little ass and then had fingered her pussy until she came for him.

Gods! He had to stop thinking about it, he told himself. He’d already had to use her fresher once to jerk off and ease the sexual tension he felt—he couldn’t do it again. He needed to at least wait until he got back to his own domicile.

“I see,” he murmured, trying to keep his tone neutral. “Thank you for explaining all that to me.”

“Well, you asked.” She shrugged and then bit her lip. “Look, I’m sorry if you feel like I was…was trying to manipulate you at the office. I know I shouldn’t have been, uh, projecting my Daddy fantasies onto you. It’s just…you’re so big and strong and stern most of the time. You just…you have areallystrong Daddy Dom Energy around you.”

Courick was amused.

“Daddy Dom Energy?” he rumbled, trying to suppress a laugh.

“Yes—you do!” Addison insisted. “I mean, the way you’re always so masterful and the way you look in your dress uniform—so strict and precise and…and…” She trailed off, her face going red. “Anyway, I’m sorry,” she said again, sounding embarrassed. “I promise to be more professional from now on.”

It was on the tip of Courick’s tongue to say he didn’twanther to be more professional…but he stopped himself. What was wrong with him tonight? There was no way he ought to be encouraging his assistant’s feelings for him. He had a vow to keep, after all.

“All right,” he said instead. “You’re forgiven. I know you’ll do better in the future.”

“Yes, Sir.” Addison nodded earnestly. “I’ll be good—I promise.”
