Page 18 of Wrong Bride

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“Stella, you always did have a way with words.” Shawn didn’t bother looking up this time.

“It’s why they pay me the big bucks.”

His younger sister flipped through several channels until she found one showing some flashy reality star at a wedding. His gut churned.

Weddings. Flowers, dresses, cakes… he hated the flashy bells and whistles this whole charade would stir up. The media would find out about his predicament and run with it. He’d have to live out of his office. The damn media would be a nightmare to wade through just to get home.

He’d never be able to stand in another checkout lane again. The magazine rags would make sure of that.

“What are you doing to clamp down on this getting out?” Knowing her, she had a plan of attack.

“Right now, nothing. All eyes are on Gretchen Stewart and her wedding. Thank goodness for reality TV. After that magic wears off, I’m giving an exclusive interview with Forbes. They just don’t know it yet. No one does and the board is locked with an NCND that their position in the company requires.”

Worked for him.

Over the next couple of hours they all got to work. Shawn dug through the will trying to find something, anything, they could be used for a loophole while Sam and Cole took care of business.

“I’ve called a million and one shops in all of Texas. No one is available. They’re all booked/sold out. Whatever it is they call it when the masses flock to wedding shops for spring and summer weddings. Apparently, there’s a season for weddings. Who knew? I flashed everything from your name, to the company, to our credit cards and they still wouldn’t budge.”

Fuck. “Interesting.” For the second time that day, Marshall didn’t know what to say.

“Wait. Oh, shit. Yeah! SHE’S PERFECT!” Stella bounded up, her curls dancing around her face. Her sudden burst of excitement caught everyone off guard.


His sister pointed to the screen while punching the volume to max.

The camera panned off a familiar brunette movie star and focused on a pretty blonde with what had to be the most delicate-looking golden dress a stiff breeze could knock off and the most sinful dip between her breasts that had him looking a little longer than he should.

For once, Marshall agreed with his sister’s assessment of a woman. Perfectly bowed lips, sparkling eyes, and he bet she was a genuine sweetheart with the way her cheeks glowed when the cameras focused on her for even a second. Not like the attention seekers he had dated in the past. He didn’t need to see all of her to know she was a knock-out.

“I’m sorry. Perfect? For what? Who?”

“You, silly!”

Right. because that was obvious.

Still baffled, his brows furrowed in question. “Come again?”

The movie star, wrapped an arm around her new husband, said something about dream wedding, dreams coming true, dream this and that, but Marshall admittedly couldn’t look away from the blonde who stood next to the movie star looking more beautiful with soft pink lips and a smile that had his cock stirring to life.

Reserved and a little shy, she beamed like a star herself. And damn if he didn’t want to dirty her.

Someone said her name and she started talking. Silky and smooth. Like an angel.

Juniper. What an unusual name.

His hands stilled from shuffling through the layers of plans on the table to look at his sister. He knew her and saw the cranks and wheels gaining steam in her head.

The face of a woman with an idea turned to him and he and his brothers braced for it.

Crazy ideas came second nature to the woman.

“I have an idea.”

Fuck. “I figured as much.”

“Since I got you into this mess, let me get you out of it. Or find someone,” she raised both hands and did a half turn to the TV, “that can do all the heavy lifting for you.”
