Page 79 of Wrong Bride

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Thank you for reading Genevieve and Whiskey’s story! Want more High Heat Heroes? I have another series of sizzling romances set at Christmas time. Read the first chapter of High Heat Mafia Christmas, a steamy mafia, age gap romance with lots of sizzle below!

Read in ebook and print by tapping here or read on for the first chapter.

Chapter One


“You know what you have to do. Here’s the invitation. I’ll be back in two hours.”

My uncle shoves a white envelope into my hand. I clench my fingers around the smooth, folded paper and stiffen as his hot breath brushes against my cheek as he leans closer.

“You better have what I need by that time.”

Lumps of air stick in my throat as I swallow and the tight remnants of pain from my uncle’s grip around my tender throat when I dared refuse this task a mere hours before serve as a good reminder of the debt I owe him.

I tried to refuse being involved in this little scheme of his, tried to walk away, but the massive, well-built man kept in good shape and has a good two-hundred pounds on me.

I raise a hand to my throat. I paid for my disobedience and have the bruises to prove it.

Slowly he reaches across the small space between us and rests a hand on my thigh and I gulp in air as his grip tightens, making my skin crawl. It takes effort to keep the fear from my eyes and voice as I push out an answer. “Yes, sir.”

I know what he wants to hear and if the past six years has taught me anything it’s to keep a barrier between my thoughts and the words I actually speak in front of him.

I fold my hands in my lap and keep my head down. Another gesture I know he expects from me. I’ve learned the hard way tonight fighting back will only earn me his disdain and a swift backhand, or worse.

When I was younger, he could be nice but as I grew and matured so did his temper. Or I wizened up and realized the ugly truth.

Either way, I don’t know how someone so handsome and distinguished on the outside can be so ugly and bitter on the inside. Most days I planned my day around avoiding any contact with my mother’s older, corrupt, sleazy brother. Which is easy when you live in a fifteen-bedroom mansion with countless nooks and rooms to get lost in.

William reclines in the plush leather of his beloved Cadillac which he cherishes more than his fourth wife and gives a deep grunt of approval when I don’t make a sound to challenge him.

“Good girl,” he responds, giving my bare thigh a squeeze and a pat. “You learn quickly, like your mother. You have one shot, little girl. Don’t let me down.” His hand travels up my bare arm to my neck where he pushes aside my hair. “You understand the consequences. Do things right and after tonight things will change for you. You’ll be of age and I’ll make sure there will be a place for you with me when I’m the new CEO of Savage Ink.”

The gleam in his eye and the way he drew out his last thought while patting my thigh again made my stomach quiver in disgust.

God help me.

I wanted no part of any of his schemes and as far away as possible from this man. I force myself not to shiver from the inappropriate tone and insinuations I’d have to be an idiot not to understand.

“Yes, sir,” I force myself to say and hope it’s the only answer he’s looking for because it’s all I have to give. It takes steel nerves not to smack his hand away and jerk out of his reach. At the risk of earning a bloody lip or worse, I remain still despite the chills running through my body.

The car cruises to a slow stop and I pop the door open before the parking attendant has a chance to make it to my door. “I know what I need to do, Uncle. I’ll do what has to be done,” I say before shutting the door to whatever he was about to say. I turn as his car pulls away and climb the expansive white staircase that leads to a castle straight out of some fanciful fairytale.

White lights are woven into a magical net of twinkling stars cast across the covered entrance as my heels sink into a lush black carpet beneath my feet.

The contrast between light and dark leave me in awe as I make my way up the stairs.

At the door I hand over the invitation with a smile for the man who welcomes me to Savage Ink’s Annual Christmas Gala and walk through an elegant arched entry trimmed with fresh garland and more tiny white lights.

Magical comes to mind and I can’t help but feel nostalgic for the warmth of unmade memories I wish my childhood provided.

My body stiffens for a moment. Old memories surface and beat back the child-like fantasies I cooked up in my head to mentally escape the crowded shelters and dingy apartments my momscored for us on cold winter nights after a little time in the back room with one man or another.

I shake off the stench of the past and let the warmth of the foyer envelop me and remember why I’m here in the first place. I follow the few guests who arrived with me through an ample hall truly decked out for the Christmas festivities, and I can’t help but smile just a little. Someone loves this time of year and it shows in every candle, gleaming chandelier, and dozens of glittering trees.

As I mingle with the guests and follow the gathering crowd toward the ballroom the frilly ruffles outlining my neckline tickle the sensitive skin of my neck, and I tug at the annoying fringe, ready to rip the damn thing off.

My hand stops mid-tug as I take in the other guests.
