Page 2 of The Wiseguy

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Fuck me.

Zoe Thibodeaux was stunning in every way, her long raven hair shimmering in the lights the only decent thing about the joint where she was working a gig. She’d left a mafia princess, a young girl with big dreams. She’d return to her hometown as a woman, which didn’t bode well for curtailing my thoughts.

Or my raging desires.

As she eased onto the stool in front of the aging baby grand, I took another sip of my drink, holding the cheap liquor in my mouth. Watching. Forever watching her. The week I’d spent guarding her had allowed me to study her every move, her lovely nuances something I hadn’t noticed before. Sure, she’d been nothing a kid to me before she’d left, a girl I’d tried to remember with pigtails and a coloring book in her hand.

Now, that was impossible.

I’d noticed how sultry her laugh had become, how she ate her food gingerly, and when she loved something, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was serious about almost everything, walking quickly from building to building while attending classes. Shit. I’d stood outside her dorm as rain had pelted my skin, using the excuse of remaining her bodyguard when all I’d wanted was to catch another glimpse of her.

The word possessive came to mind.

Or maybe I should use the term obsessive.

In my depraved mind, she belonged to me.

My actions had shifted from bodyguard to stalker, including hiding from her as Arman had requested. Shit. This needed to end. Thank God, his fucking flight was due in tomorrow. I’d lose my mind if I was forced to stay another day.

I laughed and threw back the rest of my drink, almost slamming the dense tumbler on the bar. As soon as she started to play, I took a deep breath, instantly mesmerized as I’d been before. She had no idea what the music did to me, luring the beast from deep inside out into the open. I was forced to shift my cock, trying to keep it from being pinched in my zipper. The throb remained, the tightness in my balls becoming critical.

At least this was her last set. She’d return to her dorm, sliding under the covers and I’d retire to the hotel where I’d spend another sleepless night, up at the crack of dawn to use their worthless gym. At least I could burn off some testosterone.

Or so I hoped.

I’d be leaving in two days, just after Arman and Raven arrived for her graduation. Then I’d collect my shit before the three of them returned.

She was such an amazing performer, but the way she was feeling the music on this night was entirely different than the last concert she’d been required to perform at her college. Then she’d been graded for her final exam, choosing to wear black as she handled the classical concerto with professionalism.

On this night she allowed her emotions to show, her body movements adding to the passion of the selected piece. While the male customers leered at her, licking their chops as if they had a chance with her, no one was appreciative of her talent.

And I wanted to crush all of them like the fucking cockroaches they were.

As her fingers tickled the ivories, I leaned my head against the wall, trying to shove aside the sexual images that had formed the moment I’d laid eyes on her after almost five years. Unfortunately, they continued to pulse in my mind’s eye, refusing to allow me any peace.

Her naked body under a shower of water.

Cupping her full breasts in my hands, squeezing her nipples until she cried out in pleasurable pain.

Licking her sweet nectar as she writhed underneath me, calling out my name as ecstasy rolled through her.

Driving my throbbing cock deep into her tight channel, filling her with my seed.

I fisted the glass once again, only this time I heard a slight crack as the tumbler succumbed to the pressure. Momentslater, I opened my eyes, realizing more time had passed than I’d realized. Almost instantly, I lost my cool as I noticed some guy hanging around the stage. While in his hands were flowers, blood-red roses to be exact, I sensed the very danger that had kept me alive during various assassination attempts over the years. Christ. The asshole was swaying, obviously drunk. That he’d gotten the flowers at this time of night was the reason for my concern.

Still, making a scene wasn’t necessary until it was, even if the hackles on the back of my neck were raised.

Inching closer, I continued to stay in the shadows even though it was all I could do not to wrap my hand around the offending asshole’s throat. The last thing I needed was for some unknown drunk to trip my wires, alerting Zoe to my presence. Arman had been clear about reminding me she was not to learn I’d been sent to watch her.

The fact I was here wasn’t unusual given children and wives were considered the single weaknesses of powerful men such as Arman. However, the timing was. The seemingly out of the blue request had raised a red flag, yet my best friend had simply shrugged off my concerns. That had pushed me to an edge that usually meant someone would face my wrath. Maybe tonight it would be the dude with the gray hair attempting to lay his filthy paws on the beautiful princess.

Almost nothing about Zoe surprised me at this point, including her tenacious attitude, the rebellious woman reminding me of the perfect combination of her mother and father. Yet as I moved closer, I could smell her fear. That did surprise me. She’d just ended the short set, now standing and facing the man offering her flowers.

While she took them at first, I gathered from the look on her face that she was concerned enough about the gesture to place them immediately on the top of the piano. Whatever she’d said to him obviously annoyed the son of a bitch by his crude facial expression but fortunately for him, he turned and walked away.

Much to Zoe’s relief.

She waited, pressing her hand against her chest before walking off the stage in the opposite direction toward the small employee locker room that I’d already checked out. I waited for a full five minutes for her to return. When she didn’t, I sensed she’d slipped out the back door, possibly to avoid the asshole who’d bothered her.
