Page 34 of The Wiseguy

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My father had been the sole reason the Thibodeaux Empire had shifted away from illegal activities, becoming almost entirely legitimate. However, that didn’t mean that the old tactics of security and methods of protection weren’t required or used. My grandfather had insisted on that, Maddox believing wholeheartedly that every aspect of caution had to be taken.

But I’d sensed he wasn’t happy.

“How was your time in New York?” Maddox asked out of the blue.

“Fine. Challenging. Why ask me that now?”

“Because I need to figure out what we’re dealing with.”

It took me a few seconds to realize what he was saying. “You think the attack had everything to do with me. Don’t you?”

“I don’t know what to think, Zoe. There isn’t a single clue of what we’re dealing with other than the men sent to try and abduct you were pros. They were on the premises for a sole reason.”

“Me.” I shuddered intensely at the thought. “Oh, God. Why? I thought this was about business.”

“I’m not saying it wasn’t. Did you have any threats while there, anyone suspicious following you?”

Swallowing hard, I tried to think about what he was asking me. “I had almost no friends while I was there, Maddox. They were too afraid of who my father was.”

He nodded, but I could tell by his fisted hand how much tension he was under. I also wasn’t entirely certain he believed me. In truth, I’d often felt as if I’d been followed, including during my last week at school. I’d looked over my shoulder more than once but had seen nothing.

“We’re going to be landing soon. Go strap yourself in. We could be in for a bumpy landing.”

“Okay.” I folded my arms as I returned to the seat, fighting the heightened nerves. Seconds later, the change in altitude wasapparent. A single tear slipped down my cheek, the only one I would allow. I was stronger than anyone gave me credit for.

Maybe that’s why I hadn’t been honest about the threat I’d received.

My eyes were heavy, my pulse still racing. The landing had been solid, but I’d remained terrified until he’d cut the engine. He’d insisted I wear a hoodie until we were safely nestled in his Jeep. The gesture had been a stark reminder that it didn’t matter where we were, my life was in danger.

I was simply exhausted, unable to sleep on the plane, terrified my father wouldn’t make it. Just seeing Raven sobbing uncontrollably had nearly broken me, my little half-brother confused as to what was happening to his daddy. It was all insane, including the fact I’d almost been abducted.

Exhaling, I leaned my head against the headrest, staring out the open window of the Jeep. Not only did Maddox have a private plane, one of which he was the pilot, he also had a secure and conditioned storage unit near the tiny airport where he kept the vehicle and a lot of trunks that held weapons and ammunition. It shocked me how much he’d amassed. When he’d loaded an assault rifle and two handguns, along with a case of ammunition into a duffle bag, I’d stared in shock. It was as if the man was anticipating a war.

The sun was setting, a flurry of vivid colors crisscrossing the insanely perfect sky, the eight-hour flight bumpy as hell given a thunderstorm we’d rolled through. Now my stomach was inknots, my mind foggy as I continued to wonder about why I’d become a target. Other than for money.

Or revenge.

“Did the men who tried to take you say anything?” Maddox asked, his voice gruffer than before.

“Just that I was coming with them. And no, I didn’t recognize their voices. They didn’t have accents either.”

“That’s what I guessed.”

“You killed them. Didn’t you?”

“Not all of them.”

“That’s why I was sent away. You and my dad think I did something wrong.”

Maddox shook his head. “Don’t overreact, Zoe. No one thinks you’re to blame for a fucking thing. Whatever is going on, your father refuses to have you as a target.”

“I’m worried about Raven and little Gabriel. Did you see her face?”

“Don’t be so concerned. They will be well taken care of, surrounded at all times.”

“That’s no way to live,” I insisted, to which he said nothing. I continued to glare out the window, thinking about the odd threat that I’d tried to ignore. The man’s voice had been disguised, mechanical, but the words were ones I’d never forget.

“You belong to me now and always.”
