Page 36 of The Wiseguy

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From where I stood inside the vehicle, I could just make out a second structure, smaller like a bungalow with another set of stairs leading to what appeared to be a private beach. The house itself was nestled in a cove setting, midrise mountains surrounding the property with no other structures in sight. I couldn’t have been more floored, the slight tingling sensations prickling my senses.

“Gorgeous. How long have you owned it?”

“About twelve years. Believe it or not, the property was in disrepair, previously owned by a drug lord who hid out here. Renovation took three full years, especially since I had to deal with the French historical society.” He climbed out, immediately grabbing our bags.

I eased onto the stone driveway, drinking in the setting as I inhaled the sweet fragrance of flowers. The breeze had picked up, blowing my hair everywhere. I grabbed the long strands, turning in a full circle to see the entire place. “How often do you come here?”

“Not as often as I’d like, but I’ve been busier than ever since being promoted to vice president.”

“Congratulations. I forgot to tell you that.”

“It’s an honor to be considered your father’s most trusted friend outside of his family.”

His statement was another reminder that we could be nothing more than pseudo friends. I cringed inside but had come to terms with the way the situation stood. “I’m sure it is.” Another moment of tension settled between us, one palpable enough I could hear my irregular breathing.

“Come on. I made certain I had some provisions dropped off, but it’s likely we’ll go out for more tomorrow.”

“You mean you’re going to allow me outside of the house?”

He chuckled as he headed for the stairs. “No one knows who I am or who I work for down here. The place is registered in a bogus company name that has nothing to do with Thibodeaux Enterprises. Arman hired an attorney to make the transactions anonymous. The man did an excellent job. The few who see me around know me as Rourke.”

“Rourke?” I asked as we headed up the stairs. “A fake name too? Isn’t that a little too over the top?”

“Not when safety is involved, and Rourke isn’t fake. That’s my middle name.”

“Maddox Rourke Cormier. I like it. Very powerful.”

He lifted his eyebrows as he threw me another amused look. “Well, I’m glad you do.”

I shielded my eyes from the last vestiges of glowing rays as I stared at the house. It was modern in design, the flat roof no doubt made of metal as well, the wide eaves covered in what appeared to be molded aluminum. And as one would expect from a tropical setting such as this, there were very few wallsthat weren’t made of glass, allowing me to catch a slight glimpse of the interior covered in shadows. The front door was located on the second floor, a thick metal railing overlaying the massive outside foyer covered in marbleized stone. I stood gawking at the backyard, even more shocked than before.

The water was feet away, lapping gently against the beach. I was in awe, barely able to turn away.

“I still cannot believe you own something so spectacular. It’s as if there aren’t any other houses here.”

“There are, just over the mountains. The privacy is one reason I fell in love with this place. There are six miles on either side of the beach and tropical forests, only a few houses in other gated locations anywhere close.” When he flanked my side, his body less than an inch from mine, I could feel the building heat and it added to the apprehension.

I wasn’t entirely certain how I was supposed to spend a few days with the man entirely alone. “You have a pool,” I whispered, trying to keep from reacting to his closeness.

“Yes, and a hot tub. Other amenities as well.”

“What are we going to do while we’re here?”

He chuckled as if I had no understanding of living in a beach environment. “Sail. Snorkel. I’ll teach you to dive. Shelling. Surfing. Walking. I have an exercise room, a state-of-the-art movie theater, and a billiards table under a veranda. I doubt you’ll be bored.”

“What about a piano?”

“Come with me, little lamb.” He pulled out a set of keys, backing away toward the front door. As soon as he walked inside, flickingon a series of lights, I was certain I’d walked right into another fantasy.

All my life I’d wanted to live in a beach setting, something I’d told my father over and over again. He’d take me to the water in New Orleans, the beaches in Galveston, Texas whenever he could, but it wasn’t what I’d dreamt of so much of my life. I was happiest with my hair up in a ponytail, wearing shorts and tank top or a bathing suit, donning fuchsia flip-flops and sunglasses while listening to tropical or reggae music. It was a fact that very few people knew, including Maddox. He’d always been so formal around me.

Maybe we’d have a chance to get to know each other. Or maybe I was dreaming.

He dropped the bags just inside the door, shoving his keys back into his pocket, moving through the open floor plan through the incredible living room to the glass windows. Only they weren’t windows but sliding doors. As he unlocked and swung them open, I gathered another incredible whiff of the salty sea and couldn’t stop a slight moan from escaping.

The front sitting area was incredible, complete with a stone fireplace, gorgeous furniture, and throw rugs that were works of art. As he beckoned with a single finger, a grin crossed his face. This had to be his happy place, somewhere that he allowed his hair down.

A pilot and maybe a pirate. The thought made me smile.
