Page 39 of The Wiseguy

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A hard flush crept up both sides of her lovely face, embarrassment for being placed in an uncomfortable situation riding her. However, her eyes remained full of venom. She turned away, dropping her head as she fumbled with the button on her jeans. The fact she’d shut down her emotions had bothered me almost as much as our carnal behavior.

Now I was able to smell her fear, a scent that was undeniable. I’d been trained to recognize the scent by Jean Baptiste, who’d insisted all his boys, as he liked to call us, learn the first sign that someone was lying to us. That had been the moment I knew I wanted to work for the family.

I couldn’t help but notice her body was shaking as she ripped her shirt over her head, revealing a sexy lacy bra that I shouldn’t be paying any attention to.

When I heard her muttering curse words as she peeled away the dense material of her jeans, it was impossible not to smile. Now I was the one looking away on purpose, slowly tugging the thick leather strap from my belt loops.

I’d sent Tony a text, letting him know to dig into her professors, everyone in her classes, and to check her phone records. If the little lamb was hiding something, she’d soon learn that it wasn’t in her best interest to do so.

When she stood in only her underwear, blushing pink in color, my mouth watered as my balls tightened. As she’d done before, she folded her arms across her chest, turning to face me with all the defiance she was known for.

“Underwear as well.” I forced myself to look away after a few seconds.


“When you’re finished undressing, place your hands on the piano and spread your legs.” I took my time folding the thick leather, trying to control my breathing. I could still hear her curse words even as she followed my orders.

Only when I didn’t hear any other sounds did I finally turn toward her, holding my breath. My cock was now pressing hard against my pants, enough so my balls were pinched. Seeing her in the light was breathtaking, my mind pivoting to all the filthy places in my mind that shouldn’t exist.

I moved closer, taking several deep breaths before pressing my hand on the small of her back. “Stay in position. Thirty strikes should be a perfect reminder.”

She threw me a look but said nothing, only her ragged breathing a continued indication she was furious with me.

As I brushed my hand to her bottom, she sucked in her breath, this time the sound exaggerated. It had been a long time since I’d used a belt when spanking a woman. What unnerved me almost as much as the moment that was unfolding was that it dredged up dark desires and sadistic needs, which had been my undoing before.

I took a step away, twisting my hand around the leather. When I brought the belt down twice in a row, she didn’t react at first, which surprised the hell out of me.

Seconds later, she shuddered visibly, kicking out her leg. But I sensed her continued defiance, her determination to hate me as strong if not stronger than before. I brought the belt across her sit spot four times. The slight cry she issued was quickly stopped, but her shoulders heaved as pain washed through her.

A tightness in my chest formed, an ache that shifted all the way down to my feet. This was the last thing I wanted to do but knew it was necessary.

In order to break the hold.

In order to keep her alive.

My next breath was rattled, so much so spots formed in front of my eyes, but I continued the spanking, bringing the belt down six times without hesitation.

She finally yelped, throwing back her head and gasping for air. “I hate you so much.” She twisted her pelvis, the sharp cries continuing.

“That’s fine by me.” But it wasn’t. That was the last thing I wanted, but goddamn it. What else was I supposed to do? I moved closer, pressing my hand against her back to try to keep her calm. That was the moment I gathered a whiff of her continued desire, her pussy lips shimmering with wetness.

Christ. It was all I could do to keep from thrusting my cock inside. I brushed my hand from one side of her reddened bottom to the other, hating the way she flinched from my touch.

“Just get on with it,” she said a few seconds later, her demanding tone bringing a smile to my face.

My fingers came dangerously close to her pussy lips, enough so I jerked my hand away. As I started again, it was all she could do to keep from racing away from me. But the woman stood her ground, refusing to give into temptation or allowing me to see a single weakness.

If only she knew how strong I believed her to be, so much so that I was tense, shaking as I continued doling out the strikes, one right after another. There was something entirely too cathartic about what I was doing, acting as if I was in total control over her body and soul.

The truth was I wanted her full surrender. The thought was wearing on me, so daunting that this needed to end before I lost my shit.

When I was close to the end, I rubbed my hand over her heated buttocks a second time, savoring the rush of adrenaline as much as the tingling vibrations jetting through me. I dared allow myself to slide the tip of my index finger down the crack of her ass, brushing it against her slickened folds.

When she tensed, issuing a sharp moan as her hips undulated, I knew that was all I could take. I backed away, doing everything I could not to gasp for air. “You’ve had enough. I’ll take your things to your room downstairs. I suggest you try and get a good night’s sleep.” I purposely turned away, furious with myself more than before.

As I shoved my belt back through the loops, I gathered another whiff of her longing and bit back a growl.

Seconds later, I heard the rustle of clothes and walked away on purpose. The woman was everything I’d ever wanted and nothing I could have again.
