Page 61 of The Wiseguy

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He drove his hands into his pockets, studying me as intently as he’d done the night before. “Rourke, huh? Case in point. You’re incorrigible.”

“Yes, I am, thank you very much.” I shrugged and continued walking faster until something caught my eye in one of the shop windows. As he approached, I pressed my hand on the glass. “You must be a regular at Cajo’s. I was certain the hostess was going to offer more than just a table for two when you walked in.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Come on. You’re not blind. She was undressing you with her eyes.”

“Does that mean you’re jealous?”

“Should I be? I’m certain you have women everywhere vying for your time.”

The sudden chill he emitted was a reminder that whoever he’d been involved with had kept him from attempting another relationship.

“There’s been no one, Zoe. Not for a very long time. That’s the way I wanted it so don’t go digging.”

“Uh-huh. I think you need to lighten up. And I have just the thing that might do it. Stay right here.” I backed away from him before he could reach out and grab me, which I knew he’d try to do.

“What do you think you’re doing?” True to form, he almost managed to snatch my arm but I slithered away from him, winking in the process.

“Purchasing you a little gift.”

“You can’t use your father’s credit card. I don’t want any possibility we can be found.”

I spun around, planting my hands on my hips. “Oh, ye with little faith. I’ll have you know that I do have my own money.” Although I wasn’t going to admit to him where I’d gotten it from. I could only imagine what both he and my father would do if either one learned about my former job. I’d never be allowed to leave New Orleans again.

“You know what will happen if you even consider trying to escape me.”

“You mean escape your clutches? Not a chance, buster.” I blew him a kiss and walked into the small shop.

“Can I help you?” The woman’s French accent was lovely.

“I’m like to purchase the watch you have in the window.”


As she headed for the display case, I noticed Maddox had pulled out his phone, the look on his face strained.

For about a million reasons, I knew the beautiful bubble would soon burst. The dazzling island might be paradise, but I had a terrible feeling the location could become a war zone.


“I’m sorry, Mr. Cormier, but Mr. Thibodeaux cannot receive phone calls,” the nurse stated, her attitude snippy as fuck. If I were standing in front of her, I’d want to wipe her smugness off her face. Sure, she was just doing her job, but she had no idea what was at stake.

I needed to know if Arman had attempted or been successful in selling off his own daughter. The last thing I wanted to do was to mention it to either Thomas or Francois. And I especially didn’t want to say anything about my suspicions to Jean Baptiste.

“It’s important.”

“I don’t care if someone is dying, Mr. Cormier. Your friend has had a setback and the doctors are very concerned.”

I glanced toward the shop where Zoe was, bristling from hearing the news. “What the hell does that mean?”

“That means a secondary infection has occurred. He slipped into a coma this morning.”

“Fuck.” I closed my eyes, my entire body aching. “Does his family know?”

“His mother and father are here.” Her voice softened. “We’re doing everything we can, Mr. Cormier.”

“Please. Just take care of him.” I turned away from the window in the store. The last thing I wanted to do was to have Zoe know how upset I was. She couldn’t lose her father. Not now.
