Page 70 of The Wiseguy

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Zoe sucked in her breath, taking a long stride away from me. “Oh, my God. I thought my father appreciated my independence.”

“He does, Zoe. He was just concerned about your safety.”


“He didn’t tell me.”

“My father tells you everything.”

“No, not everything. Now, as I said, I need you to answer the question. I intervened with the guy who gave you roses the day before you graduated. What did he say or do to you?”

The way she shook her head was a clear indication she was about ready to explode. “You fucking asshole. You didn’t even have the nerve to tell me you were there? You watched me, followed me? It was you outside my dorm room? The place where I took classes. Wasn’t it?”

“I was there.”

“God. I thought someone was following me and all along it was you. I need to be left alone for a little while.”

When she turned to go, I was forced to stop her.

“Don’t walk away from me, Zoe. Were you threatened?”

She tried to jerk her arm away, but I held fast. “Let me go.”

“Not until you tell me.”

“You son of a bitch. Fine. Yes, I was.”


“Some asshole called me. He said something like I would always be his.”

“Were those his exact words?” Her exasperation was growing.

“I don’t remember. Let me go!”

“Not until you tell me.” My voice was deeper, and I dragged her close to me, cocking my head as I peered down at her.

“He said… He said that I belonged to him now and always.” With that, she jerked her arm free, backing away before I could catch her again. Once in the light, I could tell tears were streaming down her face. “Here I thought I could trust you and you trusted me. I was stupid and wrong. I thought we cared about each other. No. You don’t even understand the meaning of the word friendship. I want to go home. If you won’t take me, I will find a way off this godforsaken island. And when I get there, I never want to see you again.”

With that, she walked away.

This time, I allowed that to happen.



Damn him.

Damn the man I adored, that I craved. I folded my arms from the chill that refused to leave even though it was still in the eighties outside. As I moved quickly through the house, racing down the stairs to my bedroom, I glanced over my shoulder twice. I wasn’t honestly certain whether I was hoping he’d follow, demanding I talk to him or tossing me on the bed as a reminder I belonged to him.

Neither occurred and by the time I flew into the room, I slammed the door with enough oomph I was certain he could hear it from wherever he was lurking in the house. Fuming, I paced the room, trying to make sense of why my father would send his number one right-hand man to trail behind me. As if I couldn’t protect myself.

Okay, so maybe I was acting naïve when I’d already chastised myself that I should have contacted my father. I’d simply wanted to continue proving that I could live on my own, no longerDaddy’s little princess. I stomped toward the bathroom, flicking on the light. Even from standing in the doorway, the reflection of the woman I’d become stared back at me.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say the girl was laughing at me, making fun of my ridiculous behavior and determination to remain behind rose-colored glasses. That’s the one piece of advice that Raven had given me. She’d never tried to pretend that she could be a surrogate mother. She’d become more like a sister, but her advice had been damn good.

I’d just chosen to ignore it.
