Page 81 of The Wiseguy

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After doling out at least six more, he flung the spoon aside, yet allowing me to see the implement of doom only inches away.

“What am I going to do with you, bad little girl?” he asked as he planted his hands on either side of me, leaning over and blowing his hot breath across the back of my neck. “Let me think.” He pressed his fingers against my spine, taking his time to roll them down to my aching and likely very red bottom. “Iknow. I am a thirsty man, hungry too. I think I’ll enjoy a feast meant for a king.”

He flipped me over on the table, immediately bending my legs at the knees, pressing them against the table. I was completely exposed, my mind spinning as he yanked one of the chairs forward, sitting down with a hard thump. The sound of him scooting the chair forward made me laugh.

“Something funny?” he asked in the deepest voice I’d heard to date.

“Yes. You.”

“Hmmm…” He pressed his hands against my inner thighs, dragging his tongue from my kneecap up the length of my leg, teasing me as usual by almost dipping his tongue into my wetness.

I kept one arm over my head, lolling my other hand across my lips, doing my best to watch what he was doing. When he lowered his head, I sucked in and held my breath. He did nothing more than blow across my pussy, chuckling like the beast he was before lifting his heated gaze.

“My beautiful yet notoriously mischievous wife. I think I might tie you up naked today, forcing you to wait for my return.”

“That’s mean.”

“You bet.” He finally swirled his tongue around my clit several times, watching my reaction, a smirk on his face.

A part of me wanted to hold back any satisfaction, refusing to react in any way, but when he pinched my sensitive bud, I whimpered automatically. As he repeated it again, I issued a strangled moan. But the moment he cracked his fingers againstmy pussy not once but four times, I jerked up from the table with a sharp yelp.

“Be good, baby girl. I plan on soothing all your aches and pains.” He smacked my pussy lips four more times then immediately dropped his head all the way down, licking my pussy feverishly while thrusting two fingers into my tight channel.

Maddox knew exactly what I preferred, always bringing me to the edge of a climax then pulling back, making me crazy and begging for him to lick me like the wild animal he was. I knew this afternoon wouldn’t be an exception.

I tossed my head back and forth as he added a third then fourth finger, flexing them open as he thrust hard and fast. In contrast, he was sucking and licking my clit so tenderly. It was the combination that finally got to me, pushing me over the edge within seconds.

He could sense I was close to coming, finally burying his face into my wetness.

I reached for him, snagging his thick locks of hair with my fist, jerking up from the table as white-hot heat tore through me, the orgasm pushing up from my curled toes.

“Oh… yes. Oh. Oh.” The high-pitched scream floated toward the ceiling as my pussy clenched and released around his fingers, pulling them in even deeper. The rapturous moment left sparkling lights floating in front of my eyes, my mind a beautiful haze of filthy images and thoughts.

There was nothing like being lost in pure ecstasy, every savage sound he made keeping me floating on a cloud. As one climaxdrifted into a second, all I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart.

Thump. Thump. Thump…



Thump. Thump. Thump.


I opened my eyes, blinking several times, a cold shiver sliding down both legs. For a full minute I tried to adjust to what I was seeing. What had happened? It was dark, so fucking dark. Except for a single light. Where was that coming from? I tried to rationalize what had happened, why I couldn’t remember. As the fog in my mind started to lift, another shiver coursed down my spine.

I’d blacked out. That had to be it. I’d experienced a panic attack.

“Maddox?” I whispered. Where was I? I eased my hand down, feeling a blanket covering me. When I twisted my body, I also figured out I wasn’t lying in a bed. I tried to sit up, my eyes finally getting used to the shadowed light.

I was in the living room. He’d placed me on the couch after I’d fainted. From a panic attack. I was horrified even as a series of images tickled the back of my mind as I remembered the dream I’d had. No wonder my nipples ached, my pussy throbbing. A wet dream? Now? I wanted to laugh except I continue to hear thumping sounds coming from all around me as well as howling wind. The storm. How long had I been out?

“Maddox?” I whispered again, tossing the blanket aside. Where was he?

Fear replaced every other sensation, my pulse racing.

When he didn’t answer, I was immediately tossed into a moment of utter chaos. While I knew a portion of the terror coursing through me had to do with the fact I’d blacked out and the darkness, there was also a gut feeling in addition to the power being out, there was something very wrong.
