Page 89 of The Wiseguy

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“We both signed a nondisclosure and in truth, I can’t believe Carlos would stoop this low. There might be other people involved. That needs to be determined.”

I believed the man. Whether or not Arman did remain to be seen. “While you’re right, Jean Baptiste, and we’re still double checking to ensure no mistake has been made, Devin needs to be dealt with. Whether he’s responsible for the contract is only part of the issue. He needs to fully understand and embrace that the business situation in Texas will no longer be tolerated.”

“You’re a damn good man, Maddox. But you need to be careful. Things could get out of control easily, our business in Texas destroyed.”

“This isn’t about the money,” I countered.

“My best friend is right,” Arman stated after a few seconds. “We will handle this, Pops. My fucking way. The time for caution is done. My daughter will not be getting married. To anyone.” When issuing the last two words, he made certain he locked eyes with mine.

The message was loud and clear.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zoe standing just outside the sunroom. As I tipped my head, it was obvious she’d heard at least a portion of the conversation.

She walked closer and when I tried to stop her, she threw out her arm.

Jean Baptiste noticed her before Arman, but he gave his son a look that forced Arman to shift toward his daughter.

“Baby. I didn’t see you standing there,” Arman said.

“I love you, Daddy. Very much. You are my rock and the thought of losing you tore me up inside.”

“I love you too, baby girl.”

“That’s just the thing, Daddy. I’m not a baby or a little girl any longer. I’m a grown woman who can and will make her own choices. I don’t know whether or not what I heard is truthful or a lie, but I won’t be sold off like a possession to anyone. I’ve already made my choice regarding the man I’m in love with. And if that bothers you, Daddy, then I’ll walk away from the family, my trust fund, and the name, but I will not give up the man who makes me happy, who makes me feel alive.”

“Who the fuck are we talking about?” Jean Baptiste asked.

“Maddox,” Arman said as he shook his head. “It would seem my daughter and my best friend are involved.”

“What. The. Fuck?” Jean Baptiste hissed.

“Don’t go there, Grandpa. This is none of your concern and if you think you’re going to retaliate against the man who protected me and who saved my life at the risk of his own, then think again. He would die to protect this family. He would do anything in his power to protect every single member of this family. Do you hear me? He’s taken a bullet for you, Dad. Hasn’t he? He almost died to save your life?” She glared at her father.

Arman’s jaw remained as clenched as mine, both of us staring at each other as if ready to start a fist fight.

“This is ridiculous,” the patriarch said under his breath.

“Is it, Grandfather? Really?” Zoe continued. “From what I heard, Maddox also saved your life way back when he was a teenager, just a kid. In doing so, he secured a place in this family. He’s been a part of us all along. Yet he’s not blood. There is nothing illegal about the fact I’m in love with him. If I want to marry him, then by God neither one of you are going to stop me. And if you dare think you’re going to excommunicate Maddox, fire him, or even for one second think you’re going to physically hurt him, so help me God I will find a way to destroy this entire family. Do you hear me? Do you?”

For all the times that the beautiful girl had taken a back seat to her father’s desires, playing the good girl and following the rules, a feisty lioness lay hidden under the lamb’s clothing. She was truly a formidable woman and one that I admired.

“Answer me, Father.”

Arman had a slight twinkle in his eyes. “I hear you, daughter.”

She took a deep breath and by God, the girl could still surprise the hell out of me. When she turned sharply in my direction, gripping my chin and dragging my head down by a few inches, it was all I could do not to laugh. Yet as she captured my mouth for a change, the swell of desire refused to be denied.

I slipped my arm around her, lifting her off her feet. As she threw her arms around my neck, I sensed an audience behind us.

When I heard not one but three squeals, I eased my little lamb away, giving her a stern look.

“I told you so,” Delaney stated with a gleam in her eyes.

“My God. This is fantastic. This is exactly what Raven and I hoped for!” Edmee said as she clapped her hands together, both she and Raven bounding into the room as if we weren’t still facing a crisis.

Raven was drained, her face drawn yet there was a sparkle to her eyes as well as she wrapped her arm around her tense husband.

“You knew about this… this… thing?” Jean Baptiste asked.
