Page 92 of The Wiseguy

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“I’m so sorry what I said about your birth parents. That was shitty of me.”

“You weren’t saying anything that wasn’t the truth.”

“Maybe, but stooping that low was crass as fuck. I can’t imagine the horrors you went through. I’m just glad that fucker is behind bars for the rest of his natural life.”

I snickered. “Yeah, I know.” As Thomas looked over, I could swear the man appeared more uncomfortable than before. He’d said only a few words since getting on the plane.

“I’m only going to say this to you once. I’ll give you my blessing, but you will make her an honest woman. And if you ever hurt her in any way, I will kill you. It’s that simple.”

“An honest woman, huh? Is that even possible in this family?”

“You’re a son of a bitch but I do love you like a brother. Let’s make sure this asshole knows we are the most powerful family in the entire United States.”

“You got it, brother.”

Devin’s ranch was exactly as I remembered, the location sprawling yet the house aging. We hadn’t called ahead, although we’d learned through several of the Thibodeaux employees located near the man’s estate that he was home.

We arrived in five different vehicles, only a few of our men required to maintain direct watch over Devin’s few men. He was a larger-than-life figure within Texas, under the false assumption that no one would dare threaten or cross him.

He’d soon learn how wrong he was.

And how stupid.

With Tony and Landry behind us, Thomas, Arman, and I headed for the front door. There was no need to knock, Devin answering the door himself. That meant he had cameras positioned on his property, something new and different since the last time.

He glanced from one to the other of us then did his best to look outside.

“Your men are surrounded, Devin. They’re not coming to your assistance,” Arman told him.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“We need to talk,” I told him. “We’re not leaving until we do.”

The way he eyed us carefully meant he realized that we were going nowhere. Good for him. I unbuttoned my jacket, allowing him to see the handle of my Glock just so he knew our intent if he didn’t comply.

Backing up, he opened the door wider. “Come in, gentlemen. We are all businessmen here. Yes?”

Arman smirked as I laughed. That was one way of looking at it.

Devin led us through the house to his office. “You’ll need to forgive the mess. When my wife is away, I tend to ignore the house.”

As if we gave a shit.

Once inside his office, the moment he attempted to move behind his desk, I walked toward him. I’d learned years before he’d had a panic system installed, including a button under his desk as well as a room located in an unknown area of his house. It wasn’t unlike the security both Jean Baptiste and Arman had created,although now the rooms were used for weapons storage more than anything.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Devin,” I told him.

Devin eyed my approach, slowly moving both hands on top of his desk. “What is so urgent that you couldn’t call me by phone?”

I was the lead on the start of our conversation, immediately tossing the file on his desk. I moved to the wall behind him, leaning against it and folding my arms while he took a few seconds to look it over. I was fascinated by the fact he had the same facial expression as Arman’s father had when reading the signed document.

As if he was innocent of all charges.

I glanced at Arman who was doing his best to control his anger, often something he wasn’t very good at. Just like myself. We’d always been the yin to each other’s yang. When one was enraged, the other would compensate with logic and vice versa. Not tonight. Tonight we were both on edge, refusing to accept any additional lies or bullshit from anyone.

“What is this crap?” Devin asked, tossing the file as if the papers had seared his fingers. “Some lazy attempt to combine our businesses?” The way he glared at Arman was interesting. Either the man truly had no clue, or he had balls the size of watermelons. Either way, his reaction incensed Arman to the point he whipped out his weapon, pointing the barrel at Devin’s head.

“You fucking lying sack of shit,” Arman hissed. “If you think for a moment that I’m not onto your lies then you’re a fucking moron.”
