Page 35 of The Death Games

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Then, it started.

A distant, low growl, almost inaudible at first, but steadily increasing in volume.

A primal, guttural sound that spoke of raw power and hunger.

It was soon joined by others, a symphony of howls and hisses, creating a cacophony that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

The sounds grew louder, clearer, indicating that whatever was making them was drawing near.

A rustling in the bushes opposite me caught my attention.

I squinted, trying to make out any movement in the dim light.

And then I saw it, its silhouette dark against the twilight sky — an alien male.

It was larger than I’d imagined, its hunched form emanating an air of menace.

Its eyes, two glowing orbs, locked onto mine.

The intent in them was clear.

It locked onto me and ran.

* * *

The ground trembled ever so slightly as the monstrous creature advanced.

Every instinct within me screamed to run, to flee, to put as much distance as possible between me and this… thing.

But I stood rooted to the spot, paralyzed by terror.

As it closed the distance, I could take in its grotesque details.

Its skin had a slimy, pallid sheen that caught the fading sunlight in an eerie glow.

Out of its gaping maw sprouted multiple tentacles, each one writhing, looking like they had a mind of their own.

Its body, while roughly humanoid, was a chaotic ensemble of asymmetry.

Arms, or what appeared to be arms, protruded from seemingly random parts of its torso, each ending in wickedly sharp claws that glistened with some unknown substance.

Behind it, a thrashing tail cleared a path, knocking aside the smaller plants and sending little creatures scurrying in terror.

But it was the smell that really got to me.

As it neared, a putrid wave of rotting breath wafted over, assaulting my senses.

The stench was so overpowering I had to stifle the urge to gag.

In my peripheral vision, I could just make out where Talan was hiding.

Desperately, I tried to avoid glancing his way, fearing I might give away his position.

But as the creature’s tentacles came closer and closer, twitching with malevolent intent, panic overtook reason.

My eyes flitted toward Talan’s hiding spot, silently pleading for him to act.

Why was he waiting?
