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“How is he treating you?” She then asked, her voice tinged with concern for my well-being.

“Even though it’s been challenging the first couple of days, I have a full queen treatment, but… I am still wondering whether I am completely mad for marrying someone I barely know.” I admitted.

“Hey, crazier things had been done. Gold, follow your intuition and your heart. I am sure all will end up just the way it’s supposed to be.”

“Oh, how I miss you, Char. We need to have a reunion as soon as possible.” I decided.

“I would love nothing more, friend. I know this is a huge transition period for you, but remember, I am a phone call away.” She told me.

“Love you, Char.”

“Back at you, Gold.” She said before hanging up.

I was still smiling thinking about my girlfriend when I heard the screeching sound of cars from outside the house. Assuming it was Ivan, I jumped to get to the window and see his face. Instead, I found Vanya entering the mansion.

Once inside, she excitedly called me in for a hug. "How have you been? Hope you’re well. I realized I was free today and thought I could pay you and my brother a visit. I hope you don’t mind I came by uninvited.

“Not at all. You’re always very welcome, but I have to disappoint you and let you know Ivan is away this weekend.” I sighed as I told her the news.

“Oh, even better. We’ll have a girl’s night then! I would like to know my future sister-in-law a bit better, if you’re up for it.”

“I am more than happy to do so, Vanya.” I smiled.

And that’s how we dove into swapping stories and inevitably bonding with each other. Even though we come from two completely different worlds, she was surprisingly easy to talk to, and her fierce determination was evident in everythingshe did. It was clear that she cared deeply for her brother—almost too much, a stranger might’ve added—and wanted the best for him.

She shared a few anecdotes from their childhood emphasizing just how close Anton and Ivan had always been. I had never really thought about it. Anton was always there by his side, but until now, I did not give it much of an importance. Despite their stations in life, there was a bond they shared, a trust that was admirable.

“But of course, the others were jealous of that bond,” Vanya remarked as though she had read my mind.

“The others?”

“Yeah, our brothers.” There was something about the way she said it that suggested a certain distance from them. It was almost like they weren’t her siblings, only related to Ivan. “Especially Vlad. That prick was a jealous brat, I’ll tell you that. And a sly fox too. I don’t know why Ivan keeps him around. I’d sooner trust a madman with my life than him.”

Before I could really say anything, she continued, “And there’s Sergei, born just a year before Vlad. Thank goodness I managed to get that one out of town for a while. He’s too reckless and impulsive, but he is the baby of the family, so we all love him anyway.”

I was finally getting an insight into Ivan’s life and I couldn’t help but feel compassion. I began to understand the complex layers that made up Ivan’s stoic exterior. His tough mask had been forged through years of hardship and pain, yet beneath it all he was still the caring and loving brother that Vanya cherished.

By the end of the evening, I felt like I had gained a new friend in Vanya, someone who understood the father of my child in a way that no one else could. What had startedwith uncertainty and curiosity had blossomed into a meaningful connection between Vanya and me.

As the departing screech of Vanya’s car echoed through the grand mansion, a sense of quiet settled over the house, like the fading notes of a symphony. I watched the retreating array of cars disappear into the winding distance.

I was about to turn and make my way to the library, when my ears perked to the sound of the servants addressing someone at the entrance. I went to the entry hall and my gaze was drawn to the opened door just as Ivan walked in.

His normally commanding presence seemed diminished, his shoulders weighed down by the burdens of the life he led. His eyes, usually piercing and intense, were tired, revealing a vulnerability that struck me with unexpected empathy.

He walked up to me and embraced me tighter than ever, as if he was happy to finally see me after countless years of estrangement.

"How have you been?" He kissed me.

"I've been moody, but good. You’ve just missed your sister," I told him.

"Oh, Vanya was here. I hope she didn’t annoy you too much. She has a habit of meddling," he said absentmindedly.

“On the contrary. I’ve enjoyed spending time with her. Also, that’s what sisters are for,” I chuckled.

He smiled and kept staring at me. Intensely.

“Let me take you out tomorrow.”He says out of nowhere.
