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Chapter 27 - Ivan

As I watched the ambulance pull away, its flashing red lights casting an eerie glow on the engulfed mansion, a surge of anger and helplessness gripped my heart.

Vanya had just been rushed off to the hospital, her coughs from the smoke inhalation still echoing in my mind. Flames danced menacingly, devouring the grandeur of her mansion. The crackling of wood and the distant wails of sirens composed a symphony of chaos that reverberated in my ears.

I clenched my fists, trying to rein in my emotions. My grip on the steering wheel was white-knuckled, a tangible reflection of the turmoil within, and my determination burned hotter than the very fires that now consumed Vanya’s abode.

Audrey had been snatched from me, stolen away like a phantom in the night. I believed that Akira held the key to unraveling this enigma and finding Audrey before it was too late.

The engine roared to life as I accelerated onto the dark, winding road. My knitted brows and furrowed forehead mirrored the intensity of my thoughts. I dialed Anton’s number, my fingers trembling slightly as I pressed the phone to my ear. The ringtone seemed to stretch on endlessly, each second amplifying the desperation gnawing at me.

“Hello, boss,” Anton’s calm voice finally broke through the silence, a lifeline to the reality beyond my racing thoughts.

“Anton,” I began, my voice laced with urgency, “Audrey’s been taken. I need you to mobilize every resource we have. Spare no expense. Find Salvatore, find Audrey.”

Anton’s acknowledgment was swift, his efficiency a balm to my frayed nerves. I disconnected the call and dialed Vlad’s number. The conversation was eerily similar, the same fervent plea to locate my fiancée as well as the madman who had takenher. With every word, my grip on the steering wheel seemed to tighten, my nails digging into the leather.

The road ahead stretched like a ribbon of black, the neon lights of the city casting an otherworldly glow upon the asphalt. As I neared Sinner’s Paradise, my heart pounded against my chest. Akira’s figure stood outside, shrouded in shadows.

I parked the car with a screech of tires, my breath hitching as I stepped out. Akira’s eyes met mine, his expression a mask of solemn understanding. We shared a silent exchange, words unnecessary between two souls linked by a shared purpose.

“Boss.” Akira’s voice was a soothing balm as he extended a hand in greeting. “I’m sorry about Vanya and Audrey. Let’s find a quiet place to talk.”

Of course, he already knew. I nodded, gratitude and impatience bubbling within me. Together, we walked toward the club, the thudding bass and distant laughter streaming from behind the metal door fading into the background as we entered a dimly lit corner. The booth’s plush seats embraced us as we settled in, the weight of the world settling upon my shoulders.

“Please, recount everything that happened, boss.” Akira’s gaze was unwavering, his intent clear.

And so, in hushed tones, I recounted the series of events that had led to this nightmarish juncture. The disappearance of Audrey, the sinister implications of Salvatore’s involvement, and the raging inferno that now reduced Vanya’s mansions to mere ashes. Akira listened attentively, his occasional nods urging me to continue.

As I finished my account, Akira’s eyes bore into mine, a fire kindling within them that mirrored the inferno that had devoured our home.

“We need to act quickly.” Akira’s voice was resolute, a beacon of determination in the midst of uncertainty. “I havecontacts, resources that can aid us in uncovering the truth. But time is of the essence, boss. We must tread carefully.”

I leaned back, my fingers steepled beneath my chin as I considered his words. The path ahead was treacherous, fraught with danger and intrigue. The thought of Audrey’s safety spurred me forward, igniting a resolve that overshadowed the despair threatening to consume me.

The night was still young, and as Akira and I delved into a detailed conversation about his plan, our voices melded into the tapestry of the city’s nocturnal symphony.


The car’s interior was filled with tension, the air heavy with unspoken thoughts. Akira’s explanation of the plan he had set in motion echoed in my mind, each word hitting me like a blow. I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white as I tried to process what he had just revealed.

Akira, the same man who had talked to me prior to Salvatore’s attack on Vanya’s house, had orchestrated this elaborate plan that led to Audrey’s location being exposed. My jaw clenched as I struggled to maintain control over my emotions.

“So, you’re telling me that you deliberately gave away Audrey’s location to Salvatore?” I finally managed to ask, my voice tinged with disbelief and anger.

Akira’s gaze remained fixed on the road ahead, his expression blank as he cocked his head in that singular manner. “Yes, Ivan,” he replied calmly, his words flowing slowly and placidly. “I knew Salvatore’s infatuation with her would get the better of him. She was too precious for him to let go, at least not without a fight. Plus, there was also his pride. He couldn’t resistthe chance to get back at you and show you that he was still a step ahead. That’s why I leaked the information.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It felt like a betrayal, a stab in the back. But as the pieces fell into place, I couldn’t deny the brilliance of Akira’s strategy. Using Salvatore’s own infatuation and ego against him, leading him into a trap he couldn’t resist walking into. Akira had set the stage, and now it was up to me to finish the act.

“Where are we going?” I asked, my grip on the steering wheel easing slightly. The road stretched out before us, leading to an uncertain destination.

Akira’s eyes flicked to me briefly before returning to the road. “To the place where Salvatore is hiding,” he said. “But you can’t inform anyone in your organization just yet. We need to make sure we have the upper hand before revealing our hand to the Bratva.”

I nodded, my mind racing as I contemplated the delicate balance we were walking. The rat in the Bratva was a looming threat, and any misstep could spell disaster for us. I kept my gaze on the road, thoughts swirling in my mind as I tried to process the magnitude of the situation.

Eventually, the car came to a stop in front of an abandoned dilapidated building on the outskirts of town. My heart raced as I took in the sight, knowing that this was the place where Salvatore’s reign of terror would come to an end. The building was guarded by members of the rogue Bianchi faction, their allegiance shifting in the currents of power.

I looked at Akira. “Give me the details,” I said, reaching for the gun in my vest. He handed me a map of the building and I studied it intently, memorizing the layout and potential escape routes.
