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Stalking you, I think to myself. Happy watching you from a distance, seeing that smile of yours when you talk to your friend, wanting those soft lips of yours wrapped around my cock more than anything else in the world.

I lean back, trying to appear relaxed. “Business has been busy,” I say, keeping it vague. My world is no place for someone like her.

She doesn’t need to know about the warehouse hit I missed last week because I was sitting outside her apartment in my car, waiting for her to come out.

Or the fact that my obsession has only grown stronger since we fucked. That it’s taking every ounce of my self control not to bend her over this table and fuck her right here, in front of everyone.

Her gaze lingers on me, inquisitive and bright. “What kind of business are you in, exactly?”

I smirk, maintaining my facade. “I’m a businessman,” I say, deliberately obtuse. “Dealing in various... ventures.”

She laughs lightly, a sound that tugs at something deep inside me. “Like that ambush six weeks back? That kind of venture? Aren’t you worried that might happen again?”

“Those men are dead now,” I say, a hint of darkness seeping through.

Her laughter rings out again, assuming it’s a joke. But I know better. The line between my reality and her perception of it is blurring dangerously.

“Seriously,” she says. “What do you do?”

“You don’t want to know. Trust me. Now, what did you want to tell me?”

She suddenly looks nervous. She sighs, leaning onto the table. Her elbow inadvertently nudges her cell phone, sending it clattering to the floor. She leans down, her hair cascading forward, to retrieve it.

The back of her chair explodes into splinters with a deafening crack, shards of wood flying through the air. Her eyes widen in shock, a gasp caught in her throat.

“Get down!” I shout, my voice laced with urgency. In a fluid motion, I lunge across the table, grabbing her. “Sniper.”

We hit the ground together, a tangle of limbs and rapid breaths. I shield her with my body, my heart racing, every sense heightened.

The scent of her hair, the warmth of her skin beneath me—it’s overwhelming, a dangerous cocktail of desire and fury. How dare anyone try to hurt her?

Another shot rings out, the bullet whizzing past us, embedding itself into the concrete with a thud. “Stay down!” I hiss, my mind racing as people scream and fight to get out of danger.

This is no random attack; it’s a calculated strike. Aiming at her in order to hurt me. It’s Marconi. I should have trusted my gut, got her out of here sooner.

He’s been following me, waiting until I was with her to make his move. I was fucking dumb to think he wouldn’t put the pieces of the jigsaw together.

I glance at Isabella, her face inches from mine. Her eyes, wide with terror, mirror the adrenaline surging through me.

“Stay close,” I command, my voice a low growl as someone’s hit, a body falling to the ground in front of me. I take hold of her cheeks, moving her so her eyes are fixed on me. “Focus. Don’t raise your head. Follow me.”

We move together, crawling across the terrace floor as more shots fire and more bodies fall.

We reach the exit, the cityscape sprawling below us. I reach up and open the door, ducking back down just as a shot hits the wood, sending splinters everywhere.

“Quick, this way!” I guide her down the stairs, taking them two at a time, my hand gripping hers firmly.

We burst onto the street level, a world away from the sniper’s nest. Sirens are approaching in the distance but they’ll be too late to help us.

I shove her into my car, a sleek machine built for moments like this. The engine roars to life. Tires screech against asphalt as we tear away from the scene, the city blurring past us.

Isabella’s voice cuts through the chaos, her tone laced with fear and confusion. “What the hell is happening, Dominic?” Her eyes search mine, desperate for answers.

I glance at her, my mind racing with strategies and escape routes. “Someone’s trying to kill you,” I say, the gravity of the situation heavy in my voice.

“Me? Why me?”

“To hurt me.”
