Page 63 of Syndicate Mayhem

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My eyes traveled to the door to see Cosmo step in, his eyes scolding with a burning lust for our mate. Avery pulled apart her cheeks, angling her so we could all watch as he entered her easily, mine and Falcon’s cum dripping out as she moaned out for more.

Cosmo stomped up, giving Rayla a kiss before anything, resting his head on hers as he whispered, “Is this what you want?”

Rayla smiled a dopy smile as she cupped his check and pulled his face towards hers again. “Fuck me, Cosmo.” She breathed against his lips in a sultry voice. “Fuck me so good that I see stars.”

“Anything for you. Everything is for you, my Ray.”

He moved behind her, telling her how much he loved her as he took off his pants and kissed down her back. Wrapping one hand under her arm, he grabbed her tit, flicking his finger against her pebbled nipple as he positioned himself and thrusted inside.

She was glorious. My mate. Bouncing between these two men, you would think they were just decorations. Just pieces that were meant to go in the background as you stared at the beauty that was my mate in her throes of passion and lust. She was this ashy-haired, jewel-eyed, goddess, temptress. She would have you craving her over and over again, always wanting more than you can give.

That's why I called her siren. It was like she was taking my life force bits at a time, and I gladly gave it over to her, just to watch her body sing and hear her moans fill the room. She was a glorious sight, and she was mine. Well, ours.

It didn't take long for the three of them to cum together. Cosmo and Avery sat down Rayla gently as she leaned back on Cosmo with a euphoric, satisfied expression. Falcon walked over with a wet towel, wiping her up before he took her upstairs to give her the aftercare he truly enjoyed giving.

With the rest of us spent, we barely had time to clean up and get our clothes on when I heard her cry out in shock. Falcon called in panic and that had us all scrambling up the stairs. We first found Falcon, tripping over his own feet as he muttered to himself about getting the room ready, getting her bag, needing blood. Then we found our mate by her dresser, clothes in her hand like she was about to put them on when we saw a wet puddle underneath her.

She looked up, smiling widely with glee as she boasted, “It worked! The doc told me lots of sex would help bring on labor!” She laughed like a loon as my soul left my body and Falcon’s panicked voice making lists in the background started to make sense.Holy fuck, we’re having a baby.

“Boys,” Rayla called out as she put a shirt over her head, “it's time to pack up and head to the hospital, my water broke!”

Chapter 7

“You all did thisto me! You all will pay for this when this is all over!”

Maybe threatening my mates was a bad idea, but at the moment a contraction hit, they all looked around at each other like buffoons. Maybe I was getting payback for trying to end this pregnancy as soon as I could.

When the doc told me the list of things that could help speed along labor, I zeroed in on the sex one because I knew I could double down on that. I could have a bunch of sex, have them all stretch me out and make my body bounce, so the baby thought this was a bad home and wanted to get out. Now I was regretting that hasty choice.

Avery kept sending me worried glances, Ax was just stunned, holding up his hands up like he didn't know what to do with them. Cosmo was right by my side, taking the brunt of my anger as I squeezed his arm so hard my nails pierced his skin, but he didn't let out a peep. Falcon was on the goddamn phone because I was screaming about where Lex was a moment ago.

“Here comes another shot.” A sharp pain hit, and I growled at the doctor, who was holding an empty syringe, smiling at me like this was the best day of his life. He would regret that smile when the night was over.

I gritted my teeth together as I seethed at him, “Don't think that I won't turn my vengeance out on you just because you're a doc! If you stick me one more time, I will cut off your dick and balls, stuff them, and then use them as a stress toy!”

He nodded, looking over a chart as he whispered something to the nurse and handed the clipboard to her. “Now, that's the creative and inventive mom I always knew you could be.” He continued like I didn't just threaten him, patting my leg like that was comfort. “You know that because you’re in labor that we’ll need to stick you regularly with regenerative blockers so that your body doesn’t repair itself faster than we can get the baby out. Rest assured that all mixed-species mommies have to do one thing or another for a healthy pregnancy, this is just yours.”

I blew a strand of my hair out of my sweaty face as I glared at him. “So, your saying I need to give birth like a fucking human?”

He thought for a second before answering, “Not really. You still have a natural pain tolerance humans don't have. It's more like being half . . . or maybe two thirds, human.”

I was afraid that my anger was going to take a deadly turn, and I slammed back down onto the pillow. The doc gave me a small, sympathetic look, “You’re only six centimeters dilated. When you are at ten, and the baby is in position, we can start to push.” He nodded to my mates, giving them a sympathetic expression before scooting out the door.

“We?!” I screamed at the closed door. “Who the fuck is “we”?!” I swung my gaze to Falcon and barked out, “Where the fuck is Lex?”

He closed his phone, slipping it into his pocket as he slowly turned towards me, the epitome of calm. “Last I heard, he was on his way.”

A surge of panic filled me. Lex would never do this to me. He would never leave me to have our baby without him. Something must’ve gone wrong.

“Last you heard?” I huffed out, trying to not be mad at the messenger. I needed to think about this like a Syndicate boss, but my brain was going a little off kilter, and my body was starting to tingle with a familiar human-like pain.

“His phone is turned off, and I am not able to get ahold of him.”

Balling my fists, I took a few deep breaths. There was no way that he was dead, I would feel it. I touched my chest right wherehis bond was, and it was still there, glowing and vibrant. If he wasn't dead, then someone is detaining him. Maybe he had been kidnapped and was being tortured?Where are you, Lex?

Avery moved to my other side, sliding his hand into mine. “I'm sure he's on his way here. He wouldn't miss it, no matter what the situation is, he wouldn't missthis.” I nodded, my heart heavy, even when I knew his words were true.

A wave of pain I hadn't felt before cascaded down on me, and I clenched up, not able to breath. What the fuck? Why was it so powerful now? Then I remembered the shot the doc gave me, and I realized that was why.
