Page 8 of Syndicate Mayhem

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That’s a damn good idea. Wish I’d thought of it. Stupid smarty pants mage.

I felt the air whoosh behind me just as a hand smacked my ass, and my fierce girl's voice floated around my ear. “Let's go, my fairy prince. I don't want to be late.” She gave my ass a squeeze for good measure, and a bubbly giddiness filled my belly.

I grabbed her hand before she could remove it and turned to face her with my wings out. I kissed her hand, turned it over and kissed her palm. Her sigh of pleasure wasn't enough, and I kissed her pulse, making sure to graze my teeth along the vein. She gasped. That's what I wanted to hear.

“I’ll be a quick, fierce girl. Don't leave without me.” Then I went to copy Falcon’s idea, and I headed to my father's villa he had on the Desmond compound.

Chapter 4

What the hell isshe thinking?It was the third time I had thought that while I was following behind her car to this place, she was keeping a secret.

"Okay, Cosy, where the hell is she taking us?" Ax rumbled from the back of the car.

I shook my head, not knowing the answer even as I was trying to figure it out by the streets we were taking. I had Ax and Lex in my car, as she had Avery and Falcon. It was irritating to always have to be the second driver. I even showed Rayla a SUV that could fit all of us, and she scoffed, telling me she wanted to go in the opposite direction. She wanted to become a biker gang. Shekept showing me videos from social media with people doing tricks and getting into all kinds of shenanigans.

When I reminded her that bikes were more her thing than mine, she laughed and said I could be her 'backpack.' To which -surprise, surprise- Lex poked his head in and said that he wanted first 'backpack' privileges. Fucking little eavesdropper, always lurking around like that was his damn job. Plus, she offered to havemeas her 'backpack,' whatever the fuck that was.

"She said team building, so I hope it's something bloody and brutal." Lex's eyes drifted out the window in excitement.

When we turned into a strip mall that looked abandoned, I already had a bad feeling. I didn't like things that looked like no one should be there. That's usually where bad shit happened. My whole body went on alert, immediately going into guard mode. Nothing was going to happen to Rayla ever again. Not on my watch.

I swerved right next to her, jerking the car as I threw it into park and quickly moved onto the sidewalk as she opened her door.

“Come on, Avery, it doesn't look like a place you could get hepatitis from. It's clean on the inside, promise.” Her teasing laugh was like music to my ears. I loved when she laughed. She used to do it so rarely, only when Rick was able to pull that sound out, but now it's different. Now, she had mates that made her laugh. While it was annoying to share her, to be one among many, when I got to see her like this, it made all those conflicting feelings worth it. Even if some of them were a pain in the ass.

“You agree with me right, Cosmo?” She turned her sunset gold eyes on me, and I nodded out of habit. I didn't care what I was agreeing to as long as I was agreeing with her.

Avery’s shrill voice assaulted my ears. “What?! Cosmo’s opinion doesn't count. He would agree to anything you say!”

She slid her body alongside mine, cupping my face as she turned it toward her, giving me a sweet peck on the lips. Just a tease of a taste. My body craved more as I dug my nails into my palms, keeping my composure at all costs. She looked up at me, and instead of the easy, teasing attitude that I was used to all my life, she gave me an eyeful of lust and hunger. “That's what a good mate does.”

Her gaze zero’d in on my lips as she bit her own, and I almost broke, almost dragged her off into a corner to show her how good of a mate I could be.

A familiar growl sounded behind us. “Let's just get this over with,” and the spell was broken. She looked around me and glared at Ax.

“And that’s why we’re here. That attitude right there.” She pulled away from me, chasing after her angry wolf to argue, taking all her warmth with her. I missed her, even though I could see her in front of me.

Avery and Falcon followed them. Avery yacking away at Falcons side, trying to find an ally for this hepatitis campaign of his.

“It's harder than you thought, huh?” My nose scrunched as my eyes turned into slits, and I glanced at the smiling demon beside me. When I didn't answer, he turned, watching them all as Ax opened the door, and they all filled inside the building. “You got used to having her all to yourself for so long that even though you don't want to kill them, even though you want to make her happy, you still feel jealous of them. Jealous of the time they are taking. Time that was yours. Time you took for granted.”

My teeth clenched, anger at myself for being so transparent filled my body. I don't know why, but out of all of them, Lex got under my skin the most. His lurking presence was suffocating. His attitude like we were cut from the same cloth irked me. I was much more useful than a killing machine.

His hand landed on my shoulder, surprising me as he whispered next to me, “It's harder for us. The ones who had a piece of her from the beginning.” I shook his hand off just as Ray’s head popped out the door.

“You guys coming?” She waved at us both to come quickly.

Lex shot off, smiling as he called out to her, telling her that we had a good chat and were getting along swimmingly. I would call him a liar, but that was the one thing about Lex, he never lied to Rayla. Not even a little white lie. Maybe in his fucked up head, we were bonding in what he thought was our shared experience, but for me, it was more like he was informing me that out of all of them, he was the one who could try to steal my something special. The thing that made me different from all of them.

I took a breath and shook it off. Knowing that whatever Ray had in store was going to take all of my patience and I needed to focus on that.

Everyone was at the counter when Ray looked up, shoving a paper and pen in my face. “Here is the consent form. Just sign it and give it to Lance over here.” She pointed to a human teen sitting across the counter, looking down at his phone as he huffed in annoyance, glancing at us before his eyes went back to his phone.

“Calm down, kid. I don’t sign anything without knowing what I'm agreeing to.” Ax called out as Ray rolled her eyes at the statement, but it looked like all of us agreed with him.

"Wait, what does this mean about "a magic barrier will seal you in the room until event has completed or in case of deadly emergency"?” Avery looked at the kid who then glanced at Rayla.

"Sooooo,” she grinned from ear to ear, entirely too excited about what she was going to say. “You know how I wanted us to spend some bonding time? Get to know each other more? Work as a team and not hate each other?” She mumbled that last part, which just made Lex giggle, Ax huff, and Falcon lift an eyebrow. “Well, I contacted these professionals who host escape rooms and had them customize one just for us!”
