Page 28 of Primal

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My ass is hot and welted and sore, but my pussy is dripping with need and emitting a scent that seems to drive Thorn absolutely wild with saurian lust. He stops talking and starts making those distinctive growls and grunts associated with mating. I know that his cock will soon be inside me, stretching me wide, overwhelming my senses and helping me escape the pain of discipline.

“Tell me you are sorry,” he growls.

“I’m sorry,” I say, obliging him.

“What are you sorry for?”

“For being… bad?” I don’t know why I’m being coy. There’s nothing to be coy about. I know exactly what I did. And I know what I’m being punished for.

“For being a selfish, badly-behaved little human who damn near killed herself.”

“And the bar…”

“What you did to the Ground Bar will be dealt with tomorrow. You’ll be getting punished each and every day until I run out of reasons to thrash you. I expect it will take a very long time. I think..”

I feel his cock starting to penetrate me, the scaled head of his member making my pussy lips spread out slowly.

“I think you are going to be very sorry by the time I am done with you. I am also sure you will be very well fucked, and very well filled with my seed. You may even start to gestate, seeing as I am fucking you nice and deep and hard and long, filling you to the absolute brim every chance I get.”

His threats are not nearly as frightening as they might be, because my pussy is starting to wrap around the devastatingly thick, slow intrusion of his cock. I feel an internal ache from previous ravagings, all beginning to build up over time. Every time he takes me, my pussy is forced to accommodate him all over.

“Having a human fuck toy is almost worth the trouble you’ve caused,” he says. “Almost. It will be absolutely worth it once I have you well trained.”

His hand fists my hair, pulling my head back, making me arch. I can see my reflection in the nearby mirror. I can see the generous curve of my ass, and the long, thick, scaled length of his cock which was made for another creature much larger than me, and yet is still disappearing inside me, slow inch after slow inch. I see how I look, kneeling on the bed with my knees spread, back arched, head back, my mouth open in a gasping moan as I feel myself being fucked by the saurian alpha.

I am not the only thing to look at. Thorn in all his glory is a sight hot enough to make my sex gush with another flood of arousal — which only serves to help him go deeper inside me. Thorn towers over me, massive, muscular, powerful, his long hair falling forward over his face. He brushes it back over his shoulder, exposing the hard line of his jaw and the slabs of his cheeks, all those fearsomely commanding features that make me melt.

We look good together. I don’t know how, because we are two completely different animals, but there is something about my fragile softness and ample curves in sharp contrast to his much harsher, rougher body. I look so helpless as his powerful hips flex and his cock slides inside me another couple of inches. I am being spread impossibly wide, taken incredibly deeply, disciplined and dominated. Every single moment of it is so goddamn hot I start to forget whatever lesson it was he was trying to teach. Instead, I give myself to the moment and to everything in it.

Surrender is the only option when being fucked by Thorn. There is no other alternative, and there is certainly nothing more pleasurable. I could die in this moment and not really notice. I could give myself to him for eternity, feeling this intense heat between my thighs, but also all the way up my belly and into my chest and flowing out through my limbs to my extremities.

I’ve heard of sex. I’ve heard of making love. This is more than either of those things. This is rutting and fucking and pure transcendent energy wrapped up into one brilliant experience that will be written on my soul forever. I look back at him and me, me and him. I can’t see anything but us. I can’t feel anything but us. He and I might be everything that was ever created, and everything that will ever be created.

And then the thoughts stop, and the experience continues, rolling on through my body, his cock pushing inside me with wave after wave of fresh sensation. His claiming happens over and over, every new stroke an entirely new seal of possession until orgasm comes upon me like a storm, erasing all the pain of the punishment, all memory of transgressions. There is only pleasure. There is only connection.



I feel as though I have dealt with the human thoroughly. Unfortunately, that is not as widely shared a sentiment as I might like. Those who are not privy to the behind-the-scenes encounters and who do not see how she softens for me, and how she submits to me when I command it, no doubt still imagine she is dangerous.

“Justice has to be done, Thorn.”

“I know.”

“Rumors are swirling that a small invasion happened last night. There’s a steady stream of saurians going out to visit the Ground Bar, to look at the carcass of the beast we slew. Conjecture is rife, and the fact that you have a human prisoner is also known.”

My council is looking at me with grave expressions. I would no doubt share their mood if I did not know that I have the creature responsible very much under control.

“I do have a human prisoner. A female. We all know this, you all met her last night and aided in her capture. She has since been discovered to be carrying technology that altered her mind and caused her to act in a reckless manner. I have deactivated this technology…” There’s no need to mention that I did it accidentally with my cock. They may as well believe that I have ability in such matters. Half of being alpha is appearing to know more than others know and being able to do more than others do.

“She is harmless,” I finish up. “Truly nothing anybody needs to concern themselves with. Let the people visit the bar and the carcass of the beast. Let them see the spectacle. Our world is a strange one, and the universe outside it is stranger still.”

The men exchange looks.

“Out with it. Say what you want to say.”

“There was the time you wanted to keep a miniraptor as a pet,” Karn says. “And you said much the same thing about that creature until it began to consume smaller, weaker guests to your home. I am concerned that a similar impulse is at play. You have always had a soft spot for dangerous things, and even more than that, small things. You love to bring all creatures under your command. That’s your alpha instinct. You can’t help it. But it does mean that sometimes you make the wrong decision. That’s why you convened a council. So we could advise you.”
