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Before I can work up the courage to ask him that, though, my breath is stolen from my lungs by Trey’s touch. My back arches off the cushions. Trey’s fingers slip through my center, sensitive skin parting under his touch, need pulsing through me. He dips one finger into me, my body so ready for him that he meets no resistance despite my inexperience with this.

“Jesus, you’re perfect,” Trey mutters, more to himself than me. I squirm as his touch moves and acute pleasure shoots through me. “Ah-ah, sweet girl. Hold still for me.”

“C-can’t,” I rasp when the pad of his finger circles that spot again.

“Yes, you can. Try for me, sweet girl. That’s it.”

My mind is deliciously fuzzy, and all I can focus on is Trey’s voice and his touch. I want to obey him, to do as he says, to make him proud of me. I bite my lip as I try to hold still, and he rewards me immediately by increasing his speed, making fireworks burst inside me.

Then his touch is gone, hand slipping down to press two fingers inside me again. I make a strangled noise, trying desperately to stop my hips from bucking like they want to.

Trey clicks his tongue off his teeth. “Do you need more, sweet girl?”

“Yes,” I answer immediately. There’s a hot, tight coil of pleasure low in my stomach, an insistent need for more that I’m helpless but to try to fill. I feel like I’m on the precipice of something, and damn if I don’t want to let him push me right off the edge.

“Ask nicely, Talia,” Trey insists, voice all growly and demanding. “Where are your manners?”

My face heats again, but his admonishment only makes my blood run hotter. “Please,” I ask. “Please give me more.”

“Since you asked so nicely…” Trey ducks down, his breath hitting my wetness, and his mouth hovers over where his fingers are still pressed inside me.

His tongue swipes across me, flicking up to that sensitive bundle of nerves he teased with his fingers earlier, and I cry out. That tight coil of need burns hotter, and I forget how to breathe.

“Ssh, sweet girl,” Trey murmurs from between my legs. I’m whining like a needy creature, unable to think enough to form real words. “So needy. Let me kiss it better.”

His tongue strokes and circles and flicks, his fingers curling and pressing inside me, and I’m overcome with desperate desire. I need…something. I feel close.

“Trey, I-I’m gonna…”

“Don’t fight it, baby,” he whispers. “Give me your pleasure.”

The second his mouth is back on me, I free-fall over the cliff. Bright stars dance in my vision, utter bliss coursing through me. I think I scream his name, but my ears are buzzing as my body gives him exactly what he wants.

When I come back down to earth, I’m panting and limp. I stare down at where Trey is kneeling between my legs to find him raising his fingers to his mouth. He holds my eyes and licks my wetness from them, smirking like he’s just won some sort of prize.

“Such a perfect girl.”

He gathers me up in his arms, and I sigh happily as he tucks me against him, his arms around my waist and my head resting on his chest. He murmurs sweet compliments to me, my breathing returning to normal, and I’m able to move my limbs again.

“How do you feel?” he asks softly when I tip my head back to steal a kiss.

“Good,” I answer honestly. “I…um…I feel really good.”

Trey smiles, kissing my forehead. “Good, because now that I’ve had a taste of you? I’m going to be addicted.”

I like the sound of that more than I want to admit. Because … well … I think I’m becoming addicted to him too.



The more time I spend with Talia, the less time I think I’ll ever be able to spend without her.

Every night, we eat dinner together, and she’s taught me the rules to at least three more board games—all of which she’s beaten me at. Then again, I haven’t been trying very hard to win. Seeing her smile and cheer at her victory is the real win anyway.

I can’t seem to think of a single thing except her. I crave her in every way possible. Since she let me touch her days ago, we haven’t done anymore but kiss. Even though I want her so much it’s killing me, I refuse to push her into something she’s not ready for.

But as I watch her dance around the kitchen to some upbeat rom-com movie soundtrack, powdered sugar making the very air around her as sweet as she is, it’s taking all of my self-control to hold myself back. Talia is mine, and every part of me wants to claim her fully and completely.
