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Kozien raised a brow. “Xogoli? What are you doing all the way over there?”

That province was halfway across Noxxa. And far, far out of their normal jurisdiction. They usually only took cases close by. No wonder his brother was barely getting his signal through. That place was practically primitive.

“It’s… complicated.”

Kozien rolled his eyes. Of course, it was. It always was when it came to Grux and his problems he couldn’t solve himself, requiring his oldest brother to come solve them for him.

“Look, whatever you are dealing with, I have full confidence that you are capable of solving it for yourself. You don’t need me to bail you out. I know you can handle it.”

“Koz—” More static. “—fucking desperate here.”

He sighed. “Why don’t you call Trigg to help you?”

“He’s back in the city.”

“Call him and have him meet you in Xogoli.”

“—into this mess!”

Kozien tapped his comms again. “What?”

The static became louder and more garbled, most likely from Grux yelling into his comms. He waited until the signal cleared up again to speak.

“I have full confidence in you, brother. Call Trigg if you need help. I need to focus on my mate and make sure she’s comfortable until she gives birth. I’ll let you know when she’s going into labor before I deafen my comms. All right?”

He waited for a response, staring down at his comms while the line remained silent. Kozien tapped the wristband, seeing that the signal was still connected.


“—heard you. Fine. Whatever you say, brother.”

Without another word, Grux ended their call. It made Kozien sigh to himself. He hated that his brothers—Grux especially—were able to make him feel guilty over the smallest things.

But what he’d told him was true. He needed to focus on Gianna. Even without her hormones causing her to be miserable, he still wanted to be there to support her. As her mate, it was his job to make sure she was happy and comfortable at all times.

It was something he prided himself on doing and would make sure that it happened at all costs. Even if that meant brushing off his brothers’ issues for a while.

They were grown adults and needed to start acting like it. They both needed to stop leaning on him as a crutch and relying on the fact that he would usually come and bail them out of their predicaments.

Now they were going to be forced to fend for themselves, to which Kozien couldn’t say he felt guilty about. It was simply the nature of things and was long overdue.

Heading down the remaining steps into the village, Kozien breathed in the salty sea air and let himself come down from the worrying.

He was sure in a week’s time, his brother would be calling him up to laugh at the hilarious blunder he’d gotten himself into. He’d recount all of the details as he tried to solve the issue and ultimately succeeded at it.

It would be a nice conversation to follow up from the one they’d just had. Maybe it would even give Grux enough confidence to slowly start unwinding his need to call his brother for help all of the time and build some independence.

Kozien smiled to himself.

He couldn’t wait for that next phone call.
