Page 45 of Seduced

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“Oh god, Delilah,” he whispered, finding it hard to keep control as he felt himself on the edge of bliss. It was stronger than he’d ever felt before, as their scents mingled, their upcoming orgasms evident to him.What the hell!

Every fiber of his being felt alive, tingling, screaming for the relief that would come when they all tipped over into ecstasy together. Nothing could have ever prepared him for how strong it would be, but he could sense it, there was no doubt about that.

“Oh, fuck!” Graham cried. “This is wild!” It was like he could read his mind, or maybe at that point they were really all one. Beneath them Delilah was becoming frantic with it all, pushing back onto Graham, desperate for release.

Jude pulled back, allowing her the space to do what she needed to make sure she was fulfilled. She looked up at him, her face full of desire and desperation before nodding and opening her mouth to receive him again.

Graham let out an almighty growl, pumping frantically before pinning himself at her waist. Delilah moaned against Jude’s cock, sucking hard as she joined Graham, no cries this time, just the tight hold she had on him with her lips.

For a second he thought he should pull away, but it was obvious she didn’t want him to, her lips gripping him as they both came together, his legs almost giving in with the sheer strength of sensation that ripped through him.

“Ah, Delilah!” he cried as he spilled into her mouth, his hand resting gently on the side of her head. Stars appeared behind his closed lids, and his body felt as if it was about to explode into pieces, scattering across the forest and through the universe to become one with it all.

How is this even possible?he thought, breathlessly.That I have someone like Delilah.

Chapter 25


Pushinghercartdownthe aisle, Delilah became lost in thought. She had woken feeling nostalgic that morning and, while out running errands, had found herself at the very same grocery store where she had first met Graham.

She allowed herself to relax into a state of flow as she shopped, listening to the wheels on the cart glide smoothly across the tiles, checking items off her list, and listening to the low bustle of people shopping and the white noise of the refrigerators.

Turning down a particular aisle, she remembered the feeling of ramming her grocery cart into Graham’s solid form and smiled. How embarrassed she had been, and how surprised to discover a shifter in a city! She chuckled as she recalled how she had left a cart full of merchandise at the front of the store in her haste to flee. There had been no limit to her frustration that day.

Thinking of how things had changed since then, she sighed, overwhelmed with details and possibilities. It was impossible to have known at the time that she ran from the person who would improve her life so thoroughly. She could only be grateful that Graham hadn’t taken it personally. Or Jude, for that matter.

Delilah blushed as she thought of the two of them together. Running her hands over their skin, being caressed and cared for by two of the strongest men she had ever known. The very thought was so tantalizing that heat rose in her cheeks.

I had better stop thinking about this before I start sweating right here in the produce aisle,she told herself, but it was easier said than done. She redirected her attention to the other good things that had come from her relationship with Graham and Jude, namely the benefits of being accepted by the Grimmaw pack.

She felt she could never fully express her gratitude for the way everyone in the pack had accommodated her. They had been kind and generous, befriending her and helping her with whatever she needed whenever she asked.

Wistfully, she thought of one day being invited to join as a member. She hoped that day would come sooner than later. They had been a family to her when she had sorely needed one and she planned to spend the rest of her life working to make sure they knew how wonderful and whole she felt every time she was with them.

Reaching for a head of lettuce, her train of thought stopped abruptly and her hand froze in midair. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as if she had just stuck her fingers in an electrical socket. Something was most certainly wrong.

Delilah’s nose tingled. Her nostrils flared as she took short, nearly imperceptible breaths, testing each molecule of air for scent. Detecting nothing out of the ordinary, she turned her head this way and that, listening for anything out of place.Nothing.

She tried to tell herself she was crazy, tried to think that perhaps she was coming down with something that made her paranoid or had eaten something that disagreed with her, but everything in her senses was telling her that something was off. She had always been told to trust her senses.

Unable to put her finger on what was bothering her, she quickly selected the last couple of items on her list. Normally frugal, she didn’t bother to look at the brand, quality, or unit price of anything she picked up, preferring a speedy getaway to the loss of a few cents here or there.

Leaving the store, she paused and tried to place the feeling that had come over her. She closed her eyes and attempted to picture the feeling, adding elements in her mind’s eye until she had formed a snapshot.

The only picture that would come to mind in its entirety was of a deer standing in a clearing surrounded by trees. She had encountered the phenomenon many times on the hunt and seeing it usually excited her. The smell of the grass, the anticipation of a good meal, and the more immediate thrill of the chase were all things she fully enjoyed.

As she thought of the deer now, however, a sinister tone washed over her from head to foot, and she thought of the moment it would catch the scent of someone in the pack or hear a twig snap because someone on the hunt had gotten careless. Without fail, the deer would lift its head, prick its ears, and try to run away.

Delilah tried to conjure any familiar emotions that she usually associated with a moment such as that. Frustration, urgency, and hunger would not have been out of place, but something was still niggling at the back of her mind that she couldn’t shake. It was akin to fear but with more awareness behind her eyes.

Suddenly she knew why she had never felt like this before and why she was having such a difficult time picturing a situation in which she might feel this way. The fear and awareness weren’t emotions with which she was familiar. She had known fear, of course, but it had always been directed toward a clear threat.

This time, however, the fear was directed toward something or someone she could not see or hear or smell. It was a fear that she was only accustomed to observing from a distance. It was what her prey felt when she watched it, hunted it, and stalked it to kill it for meat.

A shudder ran down her spine. She had always suspected it was unpleasant to be hunted, but she had never had the unfortunate opportunity to experience it firsthand. She hated it.

She continued to feel openly pursued the whole trip home, though she didn’t know by whom or how someone could be watching her as she rode the bus. All she knew was that the ceiling of the vehicle felt like a translucent membrane with a million eyes on the other side. It was silly, she had to admit—there was no evidence that she was correct about being stalked. But she couldn’t escape her intense desire to hide somewhere no one could find her.
