Page 48 of Seduced

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Delilah blinked back tears and held tightly to each man’s hand, squeezing them and pulling them close to her. They led her to a table by the window, and servers brought out mouth-watering dishes that had clearly been prepared in advance.

Throughout the meal, each man took his turn pointing out new foods to try and encouraging her to take another glass of wine or have dessert. She felt overwhelmed by the attention at first, but soon fell into the rhythm of the meal.

With each successive bite, the contact lingered longer and grew bolder. Graham laid his hand on the small of her back, urging her to take a bite of his steak. Jude traced his finger up her thigh, holding a forkful of his amandine potatoes to her lips.

When dinner was over, they led her to the terrace to dance to the soft chamber music. She didn’t know how it would work at first, but Jude left to get cocktails while Graham took the first dance.

Allowing Graham to guide her across the dance floor, Delilah took in his heady aroma of tropical citrus and vanilla. She let him pull her close so she could breathe him in and brush his neck with her nose.

Graham released a low, throaty growl, turned his head, and took her ear gently between his teeth, tugging until she lifted her head. Catching her mouth in a soft kiss, he deepened it and slid his tongue between her parted lips. She had to break the kiss to come up for air.

As they held each other and felt every movement through the thinness of their clothing, Graham bowed his head near her cheek and whispered, “I love you.”

Delilah’s heart swelled in her chest. She had never felt such a rush of emotion. Just as she finished returning the sentiment, however, Jude asked to cut in and swept her into his arms.

Almost angry that he had spoiled a moment, Delilah opened her mouth to say something when Jude twirled her around and hugged her into himself. Her curves fit against him perfectly, and she leaned her head back against his shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying the spicy floral notes of his scent.

He smoothed his open hand across her belly, stopping just shy of her breast and tightening his grip until she thought he might lift her from the floor. Rubbing her temple with his forehead, he dipped his mouth to her ear and whispered his own, “I love you.”

Heart so full she was surprised it didn’t burst, she confessed her own feelings before her two shifters led her to a group of chairs next to the balcony railing to refresh themselves. As they looked out on the city, they huddled on either side of Delilah to warm her from the cool night wind that whipped around the top of the building unimpeded.

“Delilah, we’re so glad you came here and we met you,” Graham began. “Life has been so different since that day, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You’ve brought wonderful changes to us and the pack, and everyone agrees that they’d like you to join.”

For a moment, Delilah couldn’t take a breath. This was what she had been daydreaming about only this afternoon. It was as if they had read her mind.

“Don’t answer right away,” Jude cautioned. “Take some time to think about it. It’s a big step.”

Delilah nodded. “Yes, of course. You’re right. I’ll think about it.” Looking out over the city with two powerful shifters standing beside her, she wondered if she could ever feel safer, more cared for, or more at home.

Chapter 27


Delilahwasinawhir, completely caught up in everything that had happened during the evening. From the amazing spectacle Graham and Jude put on for her to the words they’d whispered under the moonlit sky.

As she sat in between them on the limo ride back, their energies pulsated, everything rushing to the fore. They loved her. They wanted her to be part of the pack. And they wanted her in every way, more than anything.

There was no doubt about it; she felt the same. Tonight, they’d told her how much life had changed for them since she arrived in the city, but they had no idea just how much things had changed for her too.

Here she was able to be herself, not some kind of trophy mate who answered to the pack males. They loved her for who she was, and in turn she loved them for it. She never realized just how imprisoned she was in the Deacon Claw pack.

Now she was free, in her mind, in her body. She never thought she could love two men at once, be with them intimately together, but they’d changed all of that. They’d changed her.

Delilah glanced from side to side, smiling as she found herself sandwiched between them both again. Nothing felt better, it had fast become the place she wanted to be. Just the three of them.

“What?” asked Jude smiling.

She smiled back. “Oh, nothing, just thinking about how lucky I am,” she said, one hand easing slowly up and down his thigh while she did the same to Graham with the other. They’d driven her crazy all night, and the way she wanted them in that moment was almost overwhelming.

“Kiss me,” she said, turning to Graham. She heard the small growl emanate from his throat as he leaned in and placed his lips to hers. Then she reached around to Jude, pulling gently but firmly at his cheek, directing him to her neck.

When his lips landed there, she moaned. She’d never get used to having two mouths working on her. Two mouths, two pairs of hands. Two… “Oh, you guys,” she breathed as Graham trailed kisses down her face and the other side of her neck.

She sat back and let them devour her, just as hungry for them. “My place,” she said, daring to feel how hard they were for her. “I want you both back at my place.”

“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” murmured Graham against her hot skin.

“Sounds perfect,” agreed Jude.
