Page 58 of Seduced

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Jude and Graham approached, looking equally disgusted.

“Sorry we weren’t fast enough,” Graham said, with an air of forced playfulness. He tried to lighten the mood, but something about the tone of his voice failed to convey the normalcy he tried to project.

“No worries,” Miranda said. “I’m just happy to defend my friend. You both got all the action.”

“You might think this is over,” Clark spat. “But me and my pack will be back. I can think of a few other packs that might want this beauty.” To Delilah’s utter disdain, he looked up at her and gave her a wretched smile.

“You lost me when we broke up, Clark,” Delilah said. “Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?”

Clark began muttering incoherently and angrily before Graham interjected.

“Even by your own code, Deacon, you lost,” Graham said. “By your code, Delilah belongs to us now.”

“And our first action, as owners?” Jude added, expecting Graham to finish the sentiment. He didn’t disappoint.

“We’re freeing her,” Graham said. “She belongs to nobody except herself. She was never property to begin with.”

Clark chuckled. “You naive idiots. You’ve got no idea how the world works.”

“Oh?” Delilah approached him, looking down at him on the ground in satisfaction. She got as close to his face as she could, content that she would never be scared of him again. She scrutinized all of the features she used to love, but now barely recognized. “Please enlighten us then.”

Clark stared at her, his mouth clearly moving faster than his brain. “Nobody understands pack loyalty anymore,” Clark said. “Nobody understands honor. You say nobody’s property, and that we’re all owned by ourselves and not the pack? Watch as we all crumble, our packs fall apart, and divided, we become easy pickings for the civilized society too afraid of us to live in peace.”

“That’s a fun idea,” Graham said, looking down at him in pity and disgust. “Here’s another idea. Either pick yourself up and bury your dead, or join them. Never come back here again as long as you live, and tell Silver Paw and the rest of your pack they’re banned too.”

Clark looked between the four of them, unsure of what to do, before picking himself up off the ground and slowly standing. He clearly expected another confrontation. When he received none, he stared at Delilah.

“I hope it was worth it,” he spat.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Delilah said, not even making eye contact. “It was.”

Edward had already begun cleaning up the bodies, readying them for transport. She couldn’t help but feel pity for him. As beta, he hadn’t asked for this. He was just being loyal to the cause of his pack. She doubted he’d ever get those images out of his mind.

Clark approached him and joined the cleanup effort along with the rest of the Silver Paw and Deacon Claw packs that had accompanied them. Delilah could see the two of them bonding, and it bothered her more than she’d like to admit.

But Clark was finally little more than a stranger to her, and she considered that a huge victory. She felt nothing for him other than embarrassment, and although her trauma lingered, he was no longer the source of it. The fact that she could begin healing in earnest meant so much to her.

“Are you okay?” Miranda asked, trying to forge a connection. “I’m really sorry.”

“I’m fine,” Delilah smiled. And for the first time in a long time, she meant it. “And I completely understand. I would have done the same thing, in your position.”

Miranda nodded, smiling sheepishly.

“We’ll talk more later,” Delilah said, looking at Graham and Jude, but speaking to Miranda. “I’d like a private word, if that’s okay?”

When Miranda had cleared out, and everybody was out of earshot, Delilah addressed Graham and Jude, who were both in terrible shape. They both probably needed medicine, and Delilah realized that was one area where their pack was severely lacking. After everything was done with, she’d probably be responsible for getting them to the hospital, which she was fine with.

“So I’d like to wait to say this,” Delilah said, acknowledging Graham and Jude.

“Wait to say what?” Graham asked.

Jude didn’t seem to be quite himself, but his ears perked up regardless.

“We probably need to patch you guys up,” Delilah said. “And it’s not even the full moon yet, won’t be for a while.”

“Are you gonna get on with it?” Graham asked playfully. “We get it. You’re good at keeping us in suspense.”

“Tradition dictates I’d say this on a full moon,” Delilah said, smiling at Graham’s continued annoyance, “but fuck tradition. If you’ll have me, I’d love to join the Grimmaw pack.”
