Page 21 of His to Please

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“Fucking asshats,” JW inserts.

“Someone oughta kick all three of them in their dicks,” Lawson grunts.

“I couldn’t agree more,” comes from Tully.

“Anyways, the auction house had their names and addresses. A friend who works at animal control ran the information for me, did some digging, investigating, and Chad and Thad squealed like pigs. Herbert is currently beingbrought in for questioning. It’s not looking real good for your employer, Tallulah.”

“Well, I don’t work there anymore. My plans were to file a report myself. Can you do me a favor?” She asks Fletch.

“I can certainly try,” he replies.

“Maureen, his receptionist, will you make sure she’s not in the middle of this? She’s a sweetheart and dealt with enough of Herbert’s bullshit.” That’s my Tully, always looking out for others.

“I’ll do my best.” Fletch is a man of his word, so there’s no doubt he’ll make sure Maureen is good.

“Glad you’re here. It’s been a minute, but I gotta ask, you’re a long way from home. What brings you back?” Lawson snorts. Fletch shakes his head, a smirk glued to his face.

“A man can only take temptation for so long before he gives in. I had to get out of town before I did something dumb,” Fletcher says before walking away. Lawson goes with him, but JW stays with us.

“Sorry about all of this, Tallulah. I never thought Herbert would be such a dumb prick.”

“It’s okay, JW. By the way, I stopped atWhisked Away. You’ve got cinnamon rolls in my car. Maeve sent them home with me for you.” I watch my brother closely. He doesn’t so much as break eye contact. He’s got it bad, really bad. Itwon’t be long before he will be going after the baker in town.

“Thanks,” he murmurs, then heads toward the barn.

“You ready to go home, sunshine?” I ask.

“I’ll go anywhere with you, Dean.” My head dips down, and I plant my mouth on her warm sun-kissed lips, soft and sweet, just like her.



One Month Later

My plans were shotto shit. There was no way I could peel myself away from Tallulah before she woke up. The notion of heading outside to Bessie was thrown out the window when Tully rolled over, threw a leg over my hip, and I lost all sense of control. I’m not even sure she realized what she was doing. My only thought was getting lost in the woman I knew was going to have my last name really fucking soon. Tallulah wearing one of my flannels to bed along with those long socks of hers means she’s always bare beneath. I took advantage, fucked her while she was on top of me, soft and slow. When she finally woke up, I proceeded to take her exactly how we both like, hard and fast. It was only when I came deep inside her that Irealized our sweat-slickened skin was making her shiver. Something about the house always being too cold. When you sleep hot, you don’t realize how cold it is until your woman says it enough times. Still, the thermostat stays down as low as possible. It works for the both of us. I stay cool, and Tully ends up in my arms the whole damn night. This morning was an added bonus, only it made me shift my plans and had me waiting a bit longer in seeing my ring on her finger. The plan at the time was for Tallulah to walk out and see Bessie with a bow in her hair and her ring tied up with it. I guess it wasn’t meant to be and probably for the better. My luck, Bessie would have a moment, shake the shit out of her head to dislodge the bow, and then Tully’s ring would be in the yard somewhere. I can see it now, a metal detector in hand while I’m searching the yard, and my family decides to make an appearance. Yeah, I’d never live that shit down.

Since we were both awake, Tallulah decided to come to the barn with me. Honey Belle has already improved by a hundred times. She’s great with a saddle on and loves when Tully is riding her in the covered arena. This is only the second time we’ve been in a bigger area, and while I’m holding the lead rope, you can never be too sure when an animal has been through what Honey Belle has in how she’ll react.

“Dean?” Tallulah’s voice interrupts my thoughts on how I’m going to proceed today.

“Yeah, sunshine?” I look up and find her sitting on Honey Belle in a pair of jeans, shirt, and boots. There’s color to her cheeks, and I’m not sure if it’s from the heat or if she’s sore after this morning.

“You’re awfully quiet down there. Is everything okay?” Fuck yeah, I am. I’m realizing the idea of giving Tallulah a grand gesture isn’t necessary. As long as we’re together, no one is interrupting us like my big-ass family has no problem doing.

“Nope, not really. Everything is about to be, though.” I stop Honey Belle, look up at Tallulah, and dig my hand into my pocket. Tully’s parents came into town last week. I’d already picked out the ring. All that was left to do was ask her dad for her hand and then ask Tallulah. He was more than pleased I asked. It would be what I’d want, too, when the day comes one of our daughters is in a relationship.

Mr. Jennings did joke around that my hands would be full between his daughter, all the animals she wants, and the children she dreamt about growing up. Tallulah was and still is very vocal about her hopes and dreams. And I’m going to give her every damn thing.

“What?” she asks in confusion as my fingers find her ring. A little different than most would wear, but I knew Tully wouldn’t want to wear a big diamond. Her line of work makes it a bit difficult to have the usual solitairediamond. I went with a gold band with a row of round diamonds. An eternity ring for her to wear for an eternity. Still, it’ll never be enough time with the woman who I love with my whole fucking being.

“Be my wife, Tallulah. Own my name like you own my heart, and I’ll be your husband and love you until my dying breath. Even then, I promise to love you, forever.”

“Dean.” She drops the reins, and I step closer, anticipating her next move. Tallulah is diving for me. Damn this woman, she’s trying to injure herself. Honey Belle stands steady even though she lets out a breath, letting Tully know she’s annoying her. These animals of Tallulah’s have quite the personality.

“What do you say, sunshine? You wanna get married?” My feet are planted in the soft sand, and her legs are wrapped around my waist, ankles crossed over the other, boots digging into my back. I couldn’t give two shits, not with the way her arms are slung over my shoulders and she’s holding on to me as much as I’m holding on to her.

“I would be honored to be your wife, Dean Johnson. I love you so fucking much. You make my days brighter, my nights better, and I can’t wait to have your last name, carry your babies, and love you for the rest of our lives.” She hasn’t even seen the ring, doesn’t give a fuck about it. All that matters is that I’m hers and she’s mine. There are tears streaming down her cheeks, andfuck, with my hands full of her, I can’t wipe them away. So, I do one better. My mouth goes to hers, and I kiss my future wife with everything I have.
