Page 91 of Code Name: Magnet

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“Your flight is leaving. Go,” said Zeppelin.

I wanted to argue. I had so many questions. Instead of asking them myself, I’d have to read them in a brief. While it wouldn’t be what I’d do, given the option, I understood why Magnet wouldn’t want me to interrogate Ananke. No more than I would care for him spending another moment in Charlene Vella-Borg’s presence.

“What about Charlene?” I asked as he led me outside and directly into the SUV that waited with Ares behind the wheel.

“She’s been arrested.”

I nodded, took his extended hand, and climbed into the vehicle. “Zeppelin said we are leaving. Are we returning to Shere?”

“Not right away. We’ll stay in Malta for as long as is necessary.” He scooted closer to me and put his arms around my shoulders. “I was so afraid I was going to lose you.”

“I was sure she was going to kill me. I closed my eyes, and you were there. It was as if you were with me. You told me you loved me, and I felt peace. What happened? She had the gun pointed at me. I watched her start to pull the trigger.”

“Oleander shot the gun out of her hand. I’m sure she wanted to kill her, but she needs answers more. We all do,” Ares responded.

“So many questions…”

I thought about how Ananke had expressed something similar when she said she’d killed so many people, and I shuddered. “What will happen next?” I asked.

“We’ve arranged for you and Magnet to stay at a villa on the mainland. Ananke and Charlene will be transported to the Corradino Correctional Facility,” said Ares.

The name sounded familiar to me. “Someone within the coalition has a connection there.”

“Typhon. His brother is Corradino’s prison boss.”

“What will happen there?”

“Both women will be interrogated thoroughly. After that, I’m sure Nemesis will push for extradition, although I don’t know exactly where Ananke would be taken.”

“What about Charlene? We’ll she be extradited as well?”

Magnet shook his head. “I have no idea.”

When we arrived at the compound where we’d spent last night, a helicopter was waiting.

“Our things have been loaded,” Magnet said, taking my hand.

I thanked Ares before following Magnet into the helicopter.

“It will be a quick flight,” Magnet said when he helped me fasten the harness. “According to Oleander, the place where we’re staying has its own landing pad.”

I tried to be impressed by that news, but every word Ananke had said to me replayed in my mind. I wanted to forget all of it. “I need to debrief,” I said, sighing.

“We can do that right after we land.”

The flight took less than twenty minutes, but throughout, I felt so tired I was sure I’d sleep if I as much as closed my eyes.

Magnet grabbed our bags, then we thanked the pilot and entered the lift. “We’re just one floor down,” he said. When the doors reopened, it was directly into the foyer of what looked like a massive suite.

“I forgot to mention a crew departed Gozo before we did. We are completely secure here, Prisca.”

It was warm today, so when I saw a daybed outside the doors that led to the pool, I wanted nothing more than to stretch out on it. When I walked in that direction, Magnet followed.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, taking in the expansive view of the sea.

We snuggled on the daybed, and after several minutes of quiet, Magnet asked me if I wanted to talk about what happened in the restaurant.

“I should. I need to remember the details of what Ananke said. What about you with Charlene?”
