Page 1 of Her Alien Healers

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Beyond the edge of civilized space is a newly colonized planet. It’s a haven for the homeless, the hopeful, and those dreaming of freedom.

The beings who live here might be different species from vastly different worlds - but they all have one thing in common. Whoever they are, and wherever they came from, Haven is now their home.

The land is uncharted. The dangers are unknown. It’s a world full of possibilities – for those willing to risk everything.

Welcome to Haven Colony.


Jody scanned the faces of the women watching her. All of them were engaged and curious, though she spotted a few thoughtful expressions and even a couple of confused ones scattered throughout the room.

“Does anyone have any questions?” she asked.

Hands shot into the air before she even finished her sentence. This group of colonists from Earth’s slowly dying hive cities were some of the most eager students she’d ever had. They were also woefully lacking in basic knowledge about how their bodies worked.

Today, they were gathered in one of the utilitarian rooms that were the norm in this part of the colony. All the buildings had been donated by the military, meaning they were nondescript, prefabricated structures. Functional, practical, and uniform in every way without a hint of creativity or comfortable touches. It reminded her of her ex-husband, Kyle—a military man down to his disciplined and squared-away soul.

She left thoughts of the ancient past behind and focused on the needs of the present. One by one, she answered their questions, correcting misconceptions and addressing concerns. These women had all been selected for their adaptability and willingness to learn, and they were all eager to fill in any gaps in their education. Gaps that only existed because they’d been too busy trying to survive to do anything else.

“Dr. Clark. I, uh, have one more question.” Neda’s cheeks darkened as she spoke, and her fingers tugged nervously at the sleeve of the blue and gray jumpsuit most of them chose to wear.

“Ask it.” Jody suspected she knew what was coming. Vixi had given her a heads up about a new rumor moving through the group of recent arrivals.

“It’s about the Vardarians.”

Jody nodded. “I’m not an expert on them by any means. I’ve only been here a few weeks longer than all of you, but I will do my best to answer your question.”

Neda acknowledged her statement but didn’t speak for several seconds. Instead, she glanced around at her fellow colonists as if seeking support. Several of them smiled or nodded back.

So this was a group question and Neda was their spokesperson. This had to be about the rumor.

“I, uh.” Neda looked down and then back up at Jody. “I heard that the Vardarian men like, well, um, doing it to a woman at the same time. You know. Both holes. At once.”

Jody waited, but Neda didn’t continue. “Before I address what you said, do you have a question, or are you looking for confirmation?”

“They’re bigger than us,” Amy piped up. “I mean, taller. Broader. So they must have bigger dicks, too. How does that work with a human female? Won’t that hurt?”

Several women tittered while others leaned forward in their chairs, eager to hear the explanation.

Jody made a note to thank Vixi for warning her this might come up. The Vardarian healer had traveled to Earth and back twice now, both times to pick up female colonists and bring them to the colony. Despite the time they’d spent with the female Vardarians on board, there were some things the human women still felt more comfortable asking another human. That was one of the reasons Jody had been invited to work at the colony. They needed a human doctor to tend to the colonists coming from Earth.

Jody gave them a moment to compose themselves before answering. “Double penetration is a personal choice. From what I understand, it’s more common in multi-partner relationships. But it is a choice. One that all the partners agree to.”

Now she had their rapt attention. “As for the physical side of things, I can confirm that yes, they are larger than human males in every aspect.” She raised her hands. “Not that I have any personal experience with that. But I’ve done some book-based research.”

They all laughed at that, easing some of the tension that had crept into the room.

“Regarding the rest of your question. There are ways of making that kind of thing easier. Preparation. Uli oil, which we’ll be talking about next week, and trust.” She looked around the room again. “No matter what kind of sex you’re having, being able to trust your partner, or partners, will make it more enjoyable. That’s why none of the males are allowed to enter this camp yet. We want to be sure you are all comfortable and confident before you meet with them.”

Murmurings and side conversations started up and then died as Amy spoke up again. “That’s great for us, Dr. Clark, but what about you and Lores? You’re both human and you’re already living with the Vardarians. Aren’t you worried someone will catch your scent and boom, you’re married?”

“Mated,” Jody corrected. “And no, I’m not worried. If it happens, it happens.” She shrugged. “But I don’t think it will. Most of the healers I work with are mated. That means they have no interest in anyone but their mates.”

She looked to the back of the room where her friend and associate, Lores, lurked near the door. She’d arrived about ten minutes ago, but so far, no one else had noticed.

Lores grinned and picked up the narrative. “I wouldn’t complain if a pair of those hot aliens announced they were my mahoyen. So far, no luck, though.”
