Page 2 of Her Alien Healers

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Everyone turned to look at her. “You’re not worried about it?” Sanji asked.

Lores snorted. “Worried? About having two sexy alien males hot for my body and looking for a lifetime of orgasms and commitment? Hell no!” She spread her arms. “Bring it on! I may have gray hair and plenty of miles on this chassis, but I’m not dead yet. And if I die in bed with two hot-blooded males? I can’t think of a better way to go.”

The room erupted into laughter again, creating the perfect moment to end the session. Once it had quieted down a little, Jody sent them on their way.

Once the room emptied out, Lores cocked her head to one side and looked at her with a quizzical expression. “What was that about all the males you work with being mated? Some of them are single.”

“Sulat and Tariq might have lost their mahaya, but they are not single.

They’re grieving the loss of their soulmate. I cannot imagine what that’s like. To find the one person you’re destined for and then have them snatched away.”

“It would be rough,” Lores agreed. “But from what I understand, most Vardarians in their situation eventually find someone else. It’s never the same, of course. But love comes in many forms and flavors.”

“That’s not the point. Even if they were available, we need to work together as professionals. That means they’re off limits.”

“Maybe. But they’re also handsome, smart, and sexy as hell.” Lores pointed a playful finger in her direction. “And don’t try to tell me you haven’t noticed.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed. But that doesn’t change anything. Besides, we’ve barely exchanged more than a few words. I’m busy with the colonists and taking care of our other patients.”

“You mean the cranky preggers princess and our newly remade cyber-jockey Jade? Please. Jade has made a full recovery, and Phaedra is doing well. She just hates being cooped up. Even if it is for her and the baby’s protection.” Lores grinned wryly. “I figure if it weren’t for the baby, she’d have broken out by now. That girl never met a rule she didn’t want to break into a million pieces.”

“Says the woman who helped implant her with black market tech. From what I’ve heard from you and Phae, back then you were just as bad as she is.”

Her friend’s grin widened, the expression deepening the lines around her eyes and mouth. “Still am, thank you very much. I’m just better at hiding it now. With age comes wisdom. Which means that since I’m older than you, I’m also wiser. There’s something between you, Tariq, and Sulat. Don’t ignore it because you think you know what they want. Let them make that decision.”

Jody acknowledged her friend’s advice, even though she didn’t believe it. The two males were cordial, professional, and entirely disinterested in her as a woman. She didn’t take that personally. They had no interest in any female as far as she could tell. And the holographic AI that acted as clinic manager and virtual medical assistant had been programmed by their deceased mate.

She’d recently learned that Rae even looked exactly like her creator. The program was only an echo of the female they’d loved, but it was obvious they had no intention of moving on.

She respected their choice. Besides, she hadn’t come to Haven to get laid or mated. She was here because it was time to start a new chapter in her life and discover who she was now that her son was an adult. Jake had followed his father’s path and joined the military. That was another decision she had to accept, even if she didn’t like it.

“You’ve got that look again,” Lores said, her tone softer now. “Thinking about Jacob?”

“Always.” Jody smiled. “Every time I think about choices, it reminds me that my son, who could have been anything he wanted to be, went into the AIF, just to gain some sliver of his father’s attention. I wish he’d done something else. Anything else.”

“I know you do. But that boy is as stubborn as his momma. He’ll be fine, Jody. Stop worrying and remember why we came here.”

They’d had this conversation many times, but Jody asked anyway. It was a ritual now, one they both enjoyed. “Can you remind me again why you dragged me to the brink of known space?”

Her friend of more than a decade grinned at her and winked. “We’re here to help others and enjoy ourselves. Clean air, fresh water, good food, and friends. That’s why we’re here.” Then she waggled her brows. “And I’m hoping to enjoy the attentions of some of the local wildlife. Cyborgs and Vardarians, oh my.” She fanned her face and laughed.

Jody nodded. “I will admit, the scenery around here is quite lovely.”

“Now that’s better. Relax. Enjoy yourself a little. In fact, that’s what we’re going to do now. Come on. We’ve got time to grab lunch before we’re due back at the clinic.”

“You mean you want to go ogle the eye candy while we eat? Let me guess. We’re going to the Bar None?”

“You know it.” Lores chuckled as she led the way outside. “Like I said earlier. I may be old, but I’m not dead yet. I know what I like, and I’m enjoying myself. You should try it sometime.”

Jody stayed silent this time. She wanted to follow her friend’s advice, but that wasn’t so easy when the only males she wanted were out of her reach.


Sulat’s office wasn’t large. He couldn’t even stretch his wings properly in it, but it wasn’t a place he spent much time, so he made do. He’d sacrificed space here to extend his lab by a few extra meters. That’s where he preferred to be, but lately he’d found reasons to work from his office. It meant he was close enough to keep an eye on Tariq. His anrik wasn’t himself lately, and he wasn’t sure what the problem was. Work? Worry? Or something else? He needed to know, and Tariq refused to talk about it. In fact, lately Tariq hadn’t spoken much at all.

At the moment, his blood-bonded brother was in his office across the hall. He should be working, but all Sulat heard from that area was the rustle of wings, irritated grunts, and the occasional sigh.

It only took a moment to confirm they had no patients scheduled for the next two hours.
