Page 104 of The Surrogate

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“Yeah, uh, it felt a little weird to put myself in those shoes for a moment—where this was a simple, cut-and-dried situation. Of course youaremy baby’s daddy, but it’s not that easy, right? Because it’s not my baby.”

“I’m sorry if I upset you by saying that.”

“No, no, no. It was great. I wouldn’t change a thing about that interaction. I guess it just…” She paused. “Made me wish it were true?” She shook her head. “I don’t know. Sorry.”

I cringed.You’re a genius, Sigmund.I hadn’t considered the implications of my statement at all. “I’m sorry I upset you.”

“You didn’t.”

“I just wanted to stick it to that wanker who hurt you.”

“He was definitely taken aback.” She forced a smile. “It was perfect.”

The air felt thick with tension for the remainder of dinner.

After we left the restaurant, I stopped short of starting the car. I was in no rush to return to the house, where Roland would likely still be awake.

Abby still seemed preoccupied, with a vacant look on her face. I knew she was thinking about us, all the things weweren’t.

“Did you want to go straight home?” I asked, reaching over to caress her thigh.

“What else did you have in mind?” She smiled flirtatiously, bringing me great relief. Perhaps I hadn’t totally wiped any joy from this evening.

I massaged her leg. “Anything involving you on top of me?”

“Where are we supposed to go? Phil and Kate are at the house. I just texted Dad, and he said they haven’t left yet. I don’t really feel like joining them.”

“Why don’t I book us a room for an hour or so? I’ll goanywhereto be alone with you.”

“That’s a waste of money.”

I patted her knee. “I’m good for it, Abby. I don’t think I can stand to wait much longer. I’ve been dying for you all day.”

She looked around, surveying the car park. “Why don’t you park over there by that tree?”

“Are you suggesting what I think you are?”

“Sadly, I am.”

I couldn’t move the car to the empty side of the lot fast enough. We probably wouldn’t get caught, but even if we did, I wasn’t sure I gave a fuck. I’d wanted to be buried inside of Abby since the moment I woke up this morning. When I shut off the engine, my dick was already straining against my trousers, begging for an escape. I moved my seat back as far as it would go. “Come here,” I ordered, unzipping myself and taking my rigid dick out.

Abby climbed on top, straddling me as she lifted her dress. In a split second, I sank into her, groaning so loudly that it was conceivable some of the patrons in the restaurant might have heard. “Fuck, Abby. Have you been this wet all night?”

“Maybe.” She bucked her hips as she began riding my cock.

I rested my head against the seat, enjoying every second. “Look at me, Abby. I want to see you.” I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and thrust harder, urged on by the look of pure lust in her eyes as she bore down on me. “Give it to me, beautiful.”

The car shook as our bodies rocked together. Suddenly she dug her nails into my shoulders and the muscles between her legs began to convulse around my shaft. I could feel her orgasm as she tightened around me and screamed. I came instantly, practically blacking out from the pleasure.

As the motion of our bodies slowed, she smiled down at me with her gorgeous, glassy eyes. The bun on top of her head was now a mess. And for the first time in what felt like forever, my soul was happy.Shemade me happy.



Track 41: “London Boy” by Taylor Swift

The weeks after Sig went back to England were particularly hard. As much as his surprise visit had brought us closer, in some ways things were as unclear as ever—now with an ocean between us again. And I missed him even more than I had before he came.
