Page 110 of The Surrogate

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“Where did she go?” my father asked.

“She needed a break. Can you blame her?”

My mother clutched her necklace. “Are we that bad?”

“Do you want the honest answer?”

“Sigmund…” She frowned. “It’s time to let me talk.”

“Alright, Mother.” I returned to my seat.

“While this is not a situation I would’ve chosen for you, I heard every word she said. Alright? As much as I might have been against this had I known about it earlier, there’s no choice but to embrace it now.”

“Are you saying you’re gonna spare me any more of your opinions on the matter?”

“I’m saying…I love you. That’s it, really. All we can do as your parents is give you our opinions. You’re clearly an adult and make your own decisions, regardless of what we think. Ultimately, we just want you to be happy.”

“Very well, then.” I nodded. “Let’s end on that note and not say another word about it.”

“I do have one more question,” she said.


“Youareaware that yoursurrogateis in love with you?”

Lavinia snorted.

Mum tilted her head. “Exactly how long have you been involved with her and what will this mean for your supposed business arrangement?”

“Too much information for one day, Mother. I can’t begin to answer that question right now. But when I have everything figured out, eventually I’ll let you know.”

My mother grimaced. “Eventually.”

“That sounds fair to me,” my father said. “Let’s leave the poor chap alone, Rosemary. We came for lunch. Let’s proceed with that plan.”

Lavinia interrupted, “I think we should all toast to your grandchild.”

“That would be…lovely,” my mother said.

“I don’t know about anyone else, but I couldcertainlyuse a drink.” My father laughed.

Lavinia grinned over at me. “I’ll grab the Fireball!”

She knew damn well that my parents hated Fireball. The four of us got a good laugh out of that.

With this difficult discussion behind me, you’d think I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief. But tension seized my chest, tighter by the minute.“…back to the States,”she’d said.



Track 44: “Ghost” by Justin Bieber

I held baby Eli in my arms. “I can’t believe how big he is already.”

“I know.” Felicity smiled over at her son. “He changes every day.”

Eli, now four months old, had dark blond hair like his father. For some reason, I’d assumed the baby would end up a redhead like Felicity and his sister.
