Page 18 of The Roommate

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“Mika?” My tone is uncertain, but I’m firing on all synapses, my thoughts and emotions on overdrive.

The air between us is thick and charged, and I eye him, hungrily devouring every detail of this moment and committing it to memory.

“Max, today’s the only day I ever lied to you, and it’s because I had to pull this off. I wasn’t on duty. I wasn’t at work. I spent two hours looking for the perfect ring and the rest of the day, anxiously waiting for this moment.”

He hooks a finger under my chin and kisses my forehead. “I fell in love with you I think the moment you fell on me.”

Despite the sting behind my eyes, I laugh softly and pinch his shoulder playfully.

“I’m glad you realized we deserve to be happy just like everyone else. Because I promise you, doll, I’ll spend every single day of my life making you glad you chose me, you chose us.” Mike runs a knuckle along my jaw. “My father once told me that sometimes you just know. And I knew. I knew when I first saw you that you’d belong to me. I love you.”

Tears stream down my face, and at this point, I don’t care anymore if my makeup is a mess. “I love you too, Mika.”

“Now…” He takes out a small red box and opens it, revealing a princess-cut diamond ring. “Will you give this man the honor of becoming his wife? Max Melnik sounds pretty cool, don’t you think?”

I tug him closer to me and wrap my arms around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. “Yes, Mika. I’ll marry you.”

Mika breaks away only to crash his lips to mine. I faintly hear the sound of cheering and applause, but I’m too far gone in the kiss to pay them any mind.



“Max, it’s just a check-up.” Mika sits beside me on the couch and drapes an arm over the backseat. I snuggle closer and rest my cheek on his hard chest.

“And it’s just flu.”

“Let’s just play it safe, okay? In and out. We don't even have to wait because I already set an appointment with Dr. Kim. He's a buddy of mine.”

“Then call him and ask him for meds. I'm not going to the hospital. They're just gonna stick a needle up my ass.”

I feel the vibration in his chest as he snickers. “You’re working on your masters. You just received a promotion. What you're saying right now, does that even make sense to you?”

“Yes, no. I don't know. My brain is all fried up, I guess.”

“See? Let me make you feel better. Quick check-up. Won't even take thirty minutes.”

“You’re a nurse, Mika. You check me.”

He huffs out an exasperated breath. “I did, doll. That’s why I want a doctor’s opinion. You’ve been living on this couch for five days.”

“Three and a half.”


“Three and a half days. Just buy me antibiotics or something.”

“Doll, that’s not… That's not how it works... Okay, I'll make you a deal. Let's go for a check-up, and I'll buy you that disgustingly sweet cheesecake from across the city.”

“Throw in those butterscotch cake pops and lemon pie and we have a deal.”

For the next few days, Mika keeps on hovering, not letting me out of his sight, making sure he’s always there to give me whatever I need.

As if that’s not enough, he even insists on carrying me to the bathroom. Is he for real?

I’ve always had a pretty wonky immune system, so while this is just a regular flu, it’s so much worse for me than any other normal human being.

I should focus on recuperating, but I can’t help but fall more in love with him every day. The crease on his forehead is in danger of becoming permanent, especially as he monitors everything including my breathing. When he’s not glued to me, he’s busy in the kitchen cooking and making juices out of fruits and vegetables.
