Page 20 of The Roommate

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“Why not? It’s more appropriate for your age. Plus, we can visit the theme parks.”

“Dad said Harry’s not as great as everyone thinks he is.” Mara has apparently decided to let me in on this discussion because she jabs a finger in my direction like an accusation. “He said Harry Potter wizards have nothing on Gandalf.”

I shrink in my seat, trying to make myself smaller. I’m not doing this and earning my wife’s wrath. I love my girls, but I’m sitting this one out. Thank you very much.

Max folds her arms across her chest and glowers at me. “It’s still a no. I don’t see the point in buying the same book with a different cover.”

I’m one second away from offering to buy it for Mara when Max widens her eyes at me. She knows what I’m about to do, so I clamp my mouth shut and smirk.

I married a stubborn woman who gave birth to one. This is gonna be my life for the next fifty years or so.

Not complaining because I love it. They’re gonna keep me on my toes, and I won’t have it any other way.

The End.
