Page 3 of The Roommate

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Holy shit.

I forgot my footsteps left the floor wet.

I rush to her in an attempt to stop her from falling flat on her face, but my feet slip on the small puddle. My instinct is to protect her first, so I wrap my arms around her, the room shifting under me, and grunt when my back hits the floor with a thud.

It knocks the breath out of me, the impact resonating through my spine.

Shit. This is fun.

I blink away the momentary disorientation and find myself sprawled on the floor, my limbs splayed. More than that, however, I become too aware of Max landing on top of me, her elbow poking my stomach.

When she lifts her face, it’s a mask of pure horror. She draws her head back, hands resting on my chest, mouth falling open.

That’s when I see my towel, the only modest shield I have, laying on the floor underneath me.

My balls are exposed to the cool air, but my cock … my damn cock is pressed against Max. This realization once again has my body going haywire.

Her pupils only grow wider, my thick ridge stirring against her lower belly. It’s like we’re in this suspended animation where we’re both terrified to move because it means we have to acknowledge this nightmarish moment unfolding before us.

Max scrambles to get up, and since I’m not fully dry yet, her hands slip from my body and her elbow lands on my stomach. The sudden, sharp jolt of pain and discomfort catches me off guard.

“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” She eventually manages to stand and bolts to her bedroom like the devil himself is on her heels.

The door closes behind her with a bang, and I’m left lying on the floor with my cock and family jewels on full display.

That’s a pretty nice welcome all things considered. Worst case scenario—she calls my aunt to report that I like parading semi-naked in my home. She won’t be wrong.

* * *

I’mon my third and final night shift of the week, and the emergency room where I work is so busy I barely have time to breathe and sit down.

When I arrive in the apartment at almost 8 in the morning, I realize I have to get used to coming home to a roommate who’s smoking hot and has me burning with such wicked desire, I’m surprised I haven’t burst into flames yet.

I step into the kitchen with Max sitting on the dining table, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a piece of toast slathered with jam in the other.

She’s halfway through her next bite when she smiles at me and waves the bread. “Hi, Mika. Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

I almost dropped from exhaustion after I parked my car earlier, and I had to drag myself because I didn’t want to fall asleep in the lobby. But now, it’s like her presence has suddenly energized me. Or maybe it’s the smell of caffeine. Or maybe even both. Whatever.

“You hungry? I saw some Pop-Tarts in the cupboard. I’ll make you one.”

Max is extra chirpy this morning. After the way she fled last night, I half-expected her to be on her way to the nearest hotel. I even wondered if Aunt Mindy would show up at my work wearing a murderous look on her face.

Dropping my keys and phone on the table, I cast her another cursory glance and think about how Max is processing everything from last night.

But … whatever thoughts I had a second ago flies out the window when she stands on her toes and reaches for the overhead cupboard.

She’s wearing a white tank top and matching short shorts. The hem hikes up, and I’m treated to a wonderful view of her asscheeks hanging out.

Max may be tall, but she’s still shorter than me so she struggles to reach for the unopened box of Pop-Tarts, which are a little way at the back. Without thinking, I step behind her and extend my arm, unknowingly trapping her between me and the counter, my groin to her ass.

I’m still wearing my scrub suit so the only things separating us are a few layers of thin clothing.

My body hums with excitement, my cock now straining against my pants. Instead of pushing me away, though, Max throws me a knowing look over her shoulder. “Looks like someone’s excited to see me.”

Woah. Did she…? Wait a damn minute. Is she flirting with me?
