Page 6 of The Roommate

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Glancing out the window, I sigh because the rain’s not going to let up anytime soon, the fat raindrops splattering against the glass.

I make my way to the exit, letting the heavy glass doors swing shut behind me.

It didn’t look as bad inside the office. But now, standing outside, I can barely see the cars passing by. It’s not even just heavy rain. Gusts of wind tug on my clothing. My long skirt billows and flutters and I’m getting frustrated because I need to open my umbrella while making sure I don’t flash anyone.

It finally opens just as the rain intensifies. I hurry to the sidewalk to hail a taxi when a surge of wind hits me. I tighten my grip on the handle, but it’s no use. If I continue holding on to it, I might end up getting dragged.

Grumbling to myself, I ultimately give up and snap the umbrella shut. The moment I do, cold rain immediately soaks my clothes, and I suppress a shiver.

I’m about to run to the taxi idling on the side of the road when I feel a huge hand wrap around my elbow and turn me around.

Fear pools low in my belly, but relief washes over me the minute I spot Mika. He’s holding an umbrella big enough for two.

“My car’s over there. Let’s go.”

I only manage to nod, my teeth already chattering, my clothes sticking to my skin. The chill seeps into my bones.

Mika opens the door to the passenger seat, but I tug his shirt. “I might soak your seat.”

“Get in, Max. You’re already shivering.”

I slide in, and Mika runs around to the driver’s side and gets in, tossing the wet umbrella on the back seat.

“Take off your clothes.”


He grabs a small duffel bag behind my seat and zips it open. He takes out a beige fleece towel, then a hoodie. “Wipe yourself and wear this. You’ll get sick if you insist on wearing your wet clothes.”

Again, I don’t have it in me to argue anymore. Mika at least looks the other way while I unbutton my blouse, unclasp my bra, and slide my skirt down my legs. He turns on the car, and I moan at the heated seat, the warmth already warding off the chill.

I’m just in my panties when I slip my hands into his hoodie and zip it all the way to my chin. I feel exposed, but it’s still better than freezing my ass off.

The drive to the apartment is quiet—not the awkward, uncomfortable silence. I steal glances at Mika once in a while, and I wonder how he’s single.

I don’t know how he found my office address. But the fact is, he braved the storm for me. He could’ve stayed at home, enjoyed a warm cup of broth, and watched TV. Instead, he’s here.

Like a knight in shining armor.

A wave of tenderness crashes into me, and I mentally recoil. It’s terrifying because I’ve never felt anything this strong and intense before. I’m not even sure I want to explore this feeling further.

What is it about Mika making me want to lower my defenses?

The more I think about how his hands felt all over me, the wetter I become. My panties are a bit wet from the rain, but now they’re starting to feel sticky.

God, that kiss. How can I even move past that? How can I pretend we’re nothing but roommates after he ignited something in me?

The car slides to a stop, and the rain is still just as intense.

“Wait here.”

Mika jogs toward my side with his umbrella and opens my door. The frigid air nips at my exposed skin, making the small hairs on the back of my neck stand and giving me goosebumps all over.

“We need to run,” Mika yells, trying to be heard in the pounding rain.

He wraps one arm around me to keep me close, and we run to the building. I should focus on not slipping or spraining an ankle in case I accidentally step on a pothole, but my mind zeroes in on how his strong arm feels.

As someone who stands 5’10 and has a shoe size of 10, I’m always conscious about appearing smaller. With Mika, I don’t have to. I am smaller, and it makes me feel all kinds of things.
