Page 103 of Darkest Desires

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“Fuck, Elizabeth. I will fucking kill him for touching you; I promise you that.”

“I’m sorry…”

Reign cocked an eyebrow at me, and I swallowed.

“For believing Alexander over you. But I don’tknowyou...”

“Yet you told me you were falling in love with me, Elizabeth. Would you fall in love with a sadist? Amurderer, Elizabeth?” Reign snapped, his eyes glinting. “Because, admit it, that’s what you still believe, right?”

His words cut me, but I knew I had to accept the consequences of my actions. The man in front of me wasn’t capable of such things.

“Look, I listened to him because you wouldn’t tell me—” I began as Reign cut me off.

“Don’t make out you did that because of anything I did.”

It’s like he’d slapped me.

“Yourejectedme, Reign. I told you I loved you!” I reached out for him, but he backed away, closing his eyes. “You told me it was a professional relationship. A Dom and his dirty little sub,” I whispered, tears spilling down my cheeks. “I hate Alexander! I went to him to tell him I quit, and then he offered information you wouldn’t give me. I wanted to find out what made you so fucking angry and sad!”

Reign lifted his eyes to mine, the sadness in his expression making me sob.

“Did you work out why I’m so fucked up?” Reign moved towards me, shaking his head. “No. You saw ‘evidence’ and decided I was a murderer.”

The air left my lungs as he continued, pointing his finger at me.

“Not only did you believe it, but you told my best friends.”

A sob left my lips as his lip curled in anger.

“Theybelieved you!” Spit left his mouth as he yelled, his jaw clenching. “The woman I love and my best friends believed AJ-fucking-West over me.”

My brain clung to four words through the madness, praying he meant them.

“I was drugged, Reign—”

Reign’s eyes changed, but he shook his head, shrugging at me.

“What did you expect fromhim?”

“I woke up tied to his bed….” My words died in my throat when Reign snarled, reaching out to throw a vase across the room, the sound of it shattering against the wall piercing my ears.

I clamped my hands to my ears, cowering as Reign raged, slamming his fists into the doors, walls, and anything around him.

“Why were you so fuckingstupid?”Reign roared, his hands gripping my shoulders as I panicked, trying to get away from him.

“Get off me, Reign,” I pleaded, pressing my hands against his chest. “Calm down; we owe us more than that!”

“He could’vekilledyou, Elizabeth, and no one would ever have believed me if I told them.” Reign shoved me away, turning so I could no longer see him. His shoulders trembled, and still, I reached out, wanting to soothe him but knowing I couldn’t. “He could have made you disappear.”

I remember being in Alexander’s bed, his smirk as he stared at my naked body. I’d thought he was going to kill me.

How did I believe Alexander over Reign?

“I’m so sorry, I heard your voice; Iwatchedyou, Reign! He had so many videos of you….” I swallowed, hope crushing my chest when he turned to me, his eyes wide.

“Because he’ssick,Elizabeth! For fuckssake!I was hismentor.He had to study me tolearn.”Reign shook his head, a bitter laugh leaving his lips. “Oh boy, did helearn!”

“I know you didn’t kill that woman,” I whispered, licking my dry lips. “I was anxious, confused….”
