Page 105 of Darkest Desires

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“It went too far. Alannah died, but not purposefully. It was a horrible accident that AJ wanted to cover up,” Reign sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I was ashamed. I got away with it— we both did. But her family misses her every day. Alannah lost her life for a bit of fun. I canneverforgive myself for that.”

I remained frozen, not wanting to breathe in case it stopped him from talking.

“So it was easier to fuck women; be casual. I wasn’t ever a Dom like I used to be after that.”

“But with me….” I whispered, and he looked at me, agony in his eyes.

“You. You changed everything. I fell in love with you, and I didn’t want to. You had a thing going on with AJ; it should have been enough to make me walk away, but it wasn’t. I didn’t.”

I wanted to reach out, but I couldn’t. Reign's eyes warned me not to—like a predator warned his prey to stay back.

“Instead, I pushed you away. We fell in love, and I pushed you away. I’m still unsure how you tell someone you love how a woman died with your cock in her mouth.”

He grimaced, and I reached out, resting my palm against his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into my hand as I inhaled sharply.

“It was an accident, Reign. I understand why you couldn’t tell me. I just wish you did.”

Reign lifted his hand to mine, gripping it tightly. “I wish I did because now look at us.”

Reign smiled sadly, his gaze sweeping over the mess that covered the walls and floors around us.

“I’m sorry.” It was all I could say, but I knew it wasn’t enough.

Reign nodded. “Me too.”

“Please don’t leave me.” I bit my lip, racking my brain for things I could offer him, things I could say or do. “I’ll never speak to him again. I’ll move away with you—we could start again?”

Before he said anything, I knew the damage was too far gone for him to accept anything I offered. I prepared myself mentally for his refusal, my eyes filling with fresh tears as they fell on the suitcase by the door.

“I want us to try,” I babbled on. “I get that you might never want to touch me again after AJ—”

Reign moved forward, pressing his finger to my lips as he exhaled a hard, ragged breath.

I could feel his pain, his desperation. I wanted to make it go away, but I was powerless.

“I’ll always want to touch you.”

My head snapped up to his as he stared into my eyes.

“I don’t know if I can trust you anymore,” Reign confessed, his shoulders slumping as his head bowed. “You thought I was a murderer, Elizabeth, because of AJ West. But I should have told you, and I get why you believed him. You weren’t in the right mind, and he fucked with you. Probably edited the videos, I don’t know…”

Shame filled me, and my body began to shake uncontrollably.

I’ve lost him.

“I’m so sorry; I want you to know that. You were the one man I should have listened to above all others. I was wrong to trust AJ, but I hope you can see why. Not that it makes it any better….” My words trailed off as he kissed my forehead, and I bunched his t-shirt into my fists, willing my strength to return. I inhaled through my nose and out through my mouth, the ragged sobs taking over my body, refusing to subside.

AJ probably assaulted me and videoed it.

I’ve lost Reign.

I’m so fucking stupid.

“I thought I’d try,” I whispered, moving my head back to see damp patches on his t-shirt from my tears.

“I’m glad you came,” Reign whispered, pulling me back into his arms. “I wanted to explain.”

Burning hot agony destroyed my body as I nodded, allowing myself to enjoy this moment while I could.
