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Piper: If you respond with something about how I'm a nice girl, I'll drive to Vegas and strangle you before the show.

Kit: Friendly warning?

I can imagine his dark eyes lighting up as he chuckles. He's teasing me. God, I love him teasing me.

Piper: As friendly as threats of bodily harm get. You can't scare me by warning me you're fucked up.

Kit: I can if I go into detail, but it's early and I forgot to pick up coffee. Not in the mood.

Piper: Where are you?

Kit: On the way to Vegas.

Piper: On the bus?

Kit: Yeah.

Piper: So you're with Mal.

Kit: He's in his bunk.

Piper: And Joel?

Kit: He's on the couch.

Piper: Where are you?

Kit: In my bunk.

Piper: Does anyone know you're texting me?

Kit: Let's make it our secret.

I fix a second cup of coffee. He wants to make this our secret.

Kit doesn't want my brothers knowing we're sharing any kind of intimacy.

He's not exactly offering to take my virginity, but there is an intimacy to talking like this.

I like it being our secret.


; Piper: Okay, but I want to know what it is about recovery that's harder on the road.

Kit: Ask something else.

Piper: Or?

Kit: Or we can end the conversation.

Piper: What are you doing tonight?

Kit: Besides the show?

Piper: Okay, what are you doing tomorrow?

Kit: I'm sure Joel and Ethan are going out. They'll invite me to do something they don't want to do—mini-golf or the bookstore or some tourist trap that closes at eight.

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