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“Before I ran away, I’d been caught stealing by a man known as Badger. We were both going after the same target, a casino. I was playing around, seeing if I could get into their accounting software. Badger told me if I came to work for him, he’d teach me all he knew and help me get jobs. I knew it wasn’t an altruistic offer, but I needed money so my siblings could be free of the system once I turned eighteen.”

My chest felt tight and my stomach queasy. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the rest.

“Badger did teach me things, but I was essentially an indentured servant. I didn’t get to keep any of the money I brought in, and I wasn’t allowed to take any side jobs.”

“Is that son of a bitch still alive?”

He glanced at me and quickly looked away. “I’m getting to that.”

My gut told me I wasn’t going to like it when he did. Hell, I hadn’t liked a single thing he’d told me so far.

“I got away eventually because I became better than Badger. I stole some of his clients and got the backing of the Marchesis. I think he was afraid to mess with me after that. I earned enough to help my siblings, and I’m supporting them through school now, even without taking any more jobs that make me uncomfortable.

“Emilio, you really are amazing.”

He shook his head.

“Yes, you are.”

“Badger has never stopped hating me, and now he’s getting revenge.”


“He’s the one who exposed me, the one who was working for Swain. I… I did jobs for Swain when I worked for him.”

Tears pooled in his eyes, then ran down his cheeks, and I pulled him tight against me.

“I… I didn’t know about the trafficking. I don’t know if he was doing that then, but I swear I didn’t… I wouldn’t have… I would’ve found a way out.”

“It’s okay. You did what you had to do to save yourself and your siblings. You never should’ve been in that position.”

He wiped at his eyes. “I should’ve told you I knew the identity of the man who was after me, but I… I was so embarrassed.”

“I’m glad you’ve told me now. Will he come after you himself?”

“I doubt it. He’s a coward when he’s not behind a computer.”

“I will find him and end him, but first I will make sure you’re safe from the assholes in New Orleans.”

“He may be working with them if he thinks he can do further damage to me or if he thinks they have access to the kind of funds Swain did.”

“Can you find that out?”


I raised my brows.

“It’s risky, and you told me—”

“I know, but I’m here with you now. They won’t get through me.”

“How can you be so—”

I took hold of his shoulders and turned him to face me. “My team is working on this, and Lucien is contacting his allies in New Orleans.”

He smiled then. “I’ll take any risk for you.”

I shook my head. “No. Do this for yourself, for your future and your siblings.”

He looked at me so intently my heart started to pound furiously. This was all too much, way more than I ever planned to feel.

I stood abruptly and set him on his feet. “Let’s go for a walk. Some fresh air would be good for you.”

He studied me for a moment. “Is that safe?”

“I’ve tripled my security patrols. The entire area is being watched, and I’ll be with you.”

“I thought you said you weren’t invincible.”

“I’m close enough, and I want to show you the beach.”



Walking on the beach with X felt like I’d stepped back into a fantasy world. Why had I never imagined doing this during all the times I’d fantasized about him?

Maybe because you were too eager to get to the sex, and you don’t usually go outside.

I would have said I hated heat and humidity, but the breeze off the ocean made the night air feel incredible, and I didn’t think I’d mind any kind of weather if X was with me.

He led me down a long path that ended at a set of stone stairs leading to a gorgeous cove. A gray tabby was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, but he ran away before I could try to pet him.

As we walked to the water, I reached for his hand. He laced our fingers together and held on tight. Maybe he thought I needed to steady myself, or maybe he liked the warm connection as much as I did. I hadn’t spent this much time with another person in ages, but I didn’t feel restless or like I wanted to hide. I wanted to be exactly where I was.

The night was clear, and there were so many stars visible. I hadn’t even realized I’d stopped to look up at them until X said, “Beautiful, aren’t they?”

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