Page 37 of Double Dare

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She gave a throaty laugh. "Oh but I wouldn't charge you, Zac."

"It could always be arranged." He kissed her neck, his breath hot on her tingling skin, making her chuckle and writhe against him.

"I suppose you do run a theater, with a stage." Laughter bubbled inside her.

"Unfortunately it's fully booked this week."

"Shame," she teased.

"Another time." He glanced down the alley again. "Do you suppose we can make it back to my place before I have to have you again?" He glanced down into her eyes and she saw the twinkle of amusement in his expression. "I shall want to fuck you, properly...soon. I want to come inside you."

She knew what he meant. He meant really come inside her. Her sex gave a pang of longing. "I want that too."

Music and traffic noise reached on the night air. Sounds echoed the streets when they emerged from the alley. Zac hailed a taxi. Inside, he turned to her and lifted her chin with one finger, his expression serious. "Look, we've got tomorrow before I go away, but why don't you join me in Paris on Friday evening, we could make a weekend of it?"

Her heart leapt. She could see he was being cautious, as if unsure whether she would want to go. She couldn't think of anything she would like to do more. "Yes," she replied. "Oh yes please, Zac." The pleasure of his invitation couldn't be hidden.

He stroked her hair then ran his fingers over her cheek, his smile showing her how glad he was. "I can sort you out a booking?"

"No, that's okay. I'll organize it."

When he kissed her, she could feel his mouth smiling against hers. She ran her hands under his jacket, drawing his hips closer to her. Paris, far away from everyone, just the two of them. Her body began to pulse with anticipation.

* * * *

On the other side of the city, Nathan was at The Hub, standing by the sound-mixing desk, watching a band rehearse, when he felt his phone vibrating in his hip pocket. He pulled it out and saw from the screen display that it was Suzanne.

"This is an unexpected surprise."

"I've been thinking about you," she whispered

He could barely hear her. "That's good news, but why are we whispering?"

"The little one has just gone off to sleep."

Of course, she'd said she was babysitting. "Hold on while I move somewhere quieter." He walked away from the stage into the corridor at the rear, where the sound was muted. As he did, a picture of domestic bliss featuring Suzanne at the center settled into his mind and he smiled. It wasn't something he ever thought about, but now it had been dropped in his path he found that he rather enjoyed the image.

"That's better."

"Can you hear me now?" she whispered.

"Oh yes."

"Is that music I hear, are you at a gig?"

"I'm at a rehearsal, I do some sound mixing. It's a new band and they're just trying out the stage for acoustics. They're pretty good. I thought maybe you'd like to come down and hear them play on Friday night?"

"Oh Nathan, I'd love to." Even though she was whispering, he could hear the excitement in her voice. "I was just thinking about how much fun we had last night."

Listening to her whisper down the line put a big smile on his face. At the base of his spine, that intense thudding sensation had kicked in. "Me too, in fact I don't know if I feel like waiting until Saturday for a repeat performance."

"Me neither."

Thud, thud. His cock was straining against his jeans. "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Seeing you." She gave a quiet, soft laugh that trickled over him in the most maddening way. "You could pick me up from work about seven?"

"Sure thing, dynamite girl. I'll be there."

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